Chapter 12

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Draken had become the new addition to Takemichi crew and everything was going well, that was a lie because everyone even Mikey was mad about Draken becoming buddies with Takemichi again. He had become her bodyguard and kept them all away, but they all kept on coming back again and again. Takemichi had walked out of library when she ran into hakkia, inui, and koko oh great now she had to deal with them.

Takemichi " I swear I think in the school handbook there some against harassing another student"

Hakkia " hey Takemichi"

Takemichi " what do you three want from me and if you here to say your at sorry get it over with please"

Koko "we are sorry we are ..."

Takemichi " there are many thing you guys are but I'm to much of lady to say it"

Inui " you have done a lot of us Takemichi"

Takemichi " yeah like now I saved you hakkia from your abusive older brother and helped him change, nearly got killed at Christmas fun memories... oh yes  and how I forgave you two after nearly getting me killed at night the bat remember"

Inui " I know we said we will ..."

Takemichi " be loyal to me that was a lie I gave up nearly everything that night and you all couldn't, stand up it Mikey for once in your life what kind of man are you ... watching a women get hurt you all hated tajiu for that I remember the black dragon have become failure once again"

Koko " we would do anything to be forgiven"

Takemichi " earn back my respect which will be hard and yeah give me back 1,000 yen because right now it was nit worth it"

Draken " sorry I'm late take-Chan I had to speak to the teachers about something"

Takemichi "it okay we can leave now Kenny"

Draken " back off you three if you know what good for you" Draken soon followed after Takemichi the three boys were left there wondering what was going to happen next.

Draken " I love these new version of yourself"

Takemichi " thank you"

Mikey " Takemichi"

Takemichi " oh great wavy do you want Mikey"

Mikey" how dare you forgive Draken and not me"

Takemichi " because Draken more of men then you Mikey and he has proven himself, where you haven't"

Mikey " please Takemichi I'm ..."

Draken " leave her alone Mikey she already made it clear"

Takemichi " thank you Draken now come on we are leaving"

Draken " coming" Draken soon ran after Takemichi who had left a long time shoe Mikey stood there mad, he hated being hated by Takemichi it drove him mad. Everyone hated this game that Takemichi was playing with them she  had no rights to treat them like this, they made one small mistake that all he had to move on right.

Draken " you know you can't keep on avoiding then they are soon going to do dangerous things"

Takemichi " I don't care until the time comes I will forgive them but right no, I'm done with Mikey right now he had all rights to end that horrible night"

Draken " please don't cry take-Chan I'm sorry" draken was soon holding Takemichi as she cried but she soon stoped crying, and looked at him.

Takemichi " thank you Kenny ... oh you and the others are invited to dinner by my grandmother again they like you all"

Draken " sure but if you fathers show up and scare me I'm gone"

Takemichi " oh Kenny they are harmless"

Draken " are you sure you don't know how many man they have killed yet"

Takemichi " oh Kenny what im going to do with you and the others"

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