Chapter 16

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For someone good luck Takemichi had talked all of her guys friends and female friends  to come shopping with her, which worked very well then she thought. It was easy to get Emma and hina to come because when she said she wanted to get some retail therapy the girls, agreed and decided to go to roropping for a shopping trip. The Haitian brothers had mentioned some good shops, that will be perfect for the trip.

Draken " so what are you here for anyways"

Takemichi " well my dears dads have mention a beach house and they said I can bring my friends there, for our upcoming week break from school ... if you all get approval from your parents"

Emma " yes beach trip fun in the sun and hey maybe we can find Takemichi a boyfriend"

Hina " yes we have to find you a boyfriend or maybe you have a perfect match already here" hina has given a glare at the boys standing behind the three girls, she was trying to give these boys a chance but it seemed like none of them had to guts to make the first move on Takemichi.

Izana " it will be fun to get away from the city for while and enjoying some time off"

Kakucho "  if we can what with your little stalkers show up"

Draken " we got toman and the others covered we will be good"

Mitusya " you don't have to worry we will make sure they don't show up, and if they do we can deal with them on out own we got you take-Chan"

Takemichi " thank you guys"

Emma " now come on we are wasting time taking let do some shopping" Emma and hina soon dragged Takemichi away leaving the guys standing there laughing, so after checking out some shops and buying some outfits everyone had become hungry and decided to stop by a restaurant to have some food.

Hina " Japanese bbq was the best decision thank ran"

Ran " you welcome our dad is buddies with the owner here so at times we cans get a good sit and have the best food"

Rindou " so are we finally going to talk about the issues or more like the annoying rats"

Takemichi " past this point I either get a protection order against them or deal with them my own way"

Mitusya " we have tried talking to Mikey but is stubborn as a mule and won't listen no matter what we say"

Draken " I have smack some sense into the other maybe I don't really know"

Chifuyu " baji and kazutora haven't stop coming by my place and asking questions about you, it came to the point where my mother told them to stop and if they don't it will end badly"

Takemichi " out of everyone else there who do you think means they are sorry deep down"

Mitusya "peh and pah seem to be wanting to make peace and do whatever it takes ... but I don't really know they have stoped asking me questions about you and let it be"

Hakkia " we can spend the word if that makes you feel better"

Izana " why don't you just have us beat them up like last time"

Emma " Izana we made a promise to shinichrio and grandfather remember"

Izana " fine I'm only being nice for now but if Mikey dose anything else stupid I'm dealing with him on my own terms"

Takemichi " no please not that"

Hina " why don't we change up the conversation and not think about them"

Draken " yeah hina is right why don't we plan what we want to see when we are on vacation"

Emma " yeah beach vacation this is going to be fun"

Ran " I can make some calls and we can see everything without waiting in all the lines it will be perfect"

Takemichi " really"

Rindou " don't worry cutie everything will be fine"

Izana " we have some favors we can pull as well when it comes to transportation"

Hina " wow you guys are amazing"

Kakucho " anything to keep Takemichi and her friends safe away from her stalkers"

Hina " see Takemichi nothing bad will happen on this trip and if anything dose my dads have some coworkers, in that area that can help us out if Mikey and the others don't leave you alone"

Emma " I will talk to my older brother and his friends and they will have some words with the guys, and if Mikey won't stop I will teach him a lesson grandfather won't be happy with him"

Takemichi " thank you everyone now come on let finish our shopping trip, so we can have everything we need"

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