Chapter 5

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It was another day at school and Takemichci once again was being follow by toman, she did her best to not pay attention to them but they were not going away. She was in the library looking for a book for a report when chifuyu came out of now where, and looked at her.

Chifuyu " hey Takemichci"

Takemichci " hey chifuyu"

Chifuyu " I know you have told us over and over to leave you alone but please just hear me out"

Takemichci " if I say ye what do I get out of this"

Chifuyu " I would tell the others to give you some space until you are ready to talk with us"

Takemichci " fine you have ten minutes go"

Chifuyu " first I want to say I'm sorry for what I had said and not standing up for you" Takemichci and chifuyu had gone outside to talk.

Takemichci " why dose it sound like you mean it more then the others"

Chifuyu " because ever since that attack on you I felt horrible I want to contact you and, speak but I didn't think I deserve to speak with you and when you finally came back you become whole different person"

Takemichci " aww chifuyu"

Izana " what going on here and why are your bother take-Chan"

Takemichci " boys it okay we are just talking"

Chifuyu " I'm not here to harass Takemichci I came here to talk because I'm worried about her who were those man with you if you are I'm trouble Takemichci I can help you ... you can come stay with me for safety"

Takemichci " chifuyu I'm okay you know what meet we near the school entrance when school ends, and I will show you how much my life has changed okay"

Chifuyu " umm sure hey I have to go meet with some teachers I will see you later"

Takemichci " bye chifuyu"

Kakucho " so you really are going to trust him"

Takemichci " out of all them he seems to be the one who is mostly hurt about this whole things, and I know if I make him promise to keep this a secret he will .. do you not trust my judgement Kakucho"

Kakucho " no I trust you my lady but I worry about your fathers when they see chifuyu"

Takemichci " I will deal with my father later now come one we still have school or have you all forgotten"

The guys " coming"

Later that day

Chifuyu " so what are waiting for Takemichci"

Takemichci " you will see chifuyu" soon the same limo chifuyu saw had pulled up in front of you guys, and soon enough you all got in along with chifuyu.

Chifuyu " take-Chan what going on here are you sure you are okay"

Takemichci "everythinggoing to be okay chifuyu I promise"

Chifuyu " okay I believe you" soon after a long ride in the limo everyone had arrived at the house, and soon enough chifuyu had a shocked look on his face.

Chifuyu " you are yazuka"

Takemichci " come inside and I will tell you the story" chifuyu and takemichi were walking outside near a fish pound talking.

Chifuyu " so your father hide you away to keep you safe and final came back but that the moment we all hurt you ... great"

Takemichci " chifuyu it okay but if you want to really help me you will help me take down that yellow hair rat, and save everyone even if I'm on bad terms with them"

Chifuyu " deal my lady"

Takemichci " oh come on not you too"

Chifuyu " what about my princess"

???? " why are you calling her princess young man" Takemichci and chifuyu soon turned around and now chifuyu was looking at one of Takemichci fathers.

Takemichci " father this is my friend chifuyu from school and toman"

Kenji " oh so you are one of the punks that beat up my daughter"

Chifuyu " I'm sorry sir please I didn't mean any harm to your daughter please forgive me, I would do anything to win your daughter respect"

Kenji " ummm Takemichci do you think this boy is telling the truth"

Takemichci " yes I believe him father"

Kenji " then he can stay for dinner for now but listen here kid if you mess up I will hurt you, and I mean it" You father soon walked away and once he was gone, chifuyu nearly lost his balance and you caught him.

Takemichci " so he might like you"

Chifuyu " it feel like his eyes were burning into my soul and I have a feeling if I mess up I will be a dead man"

Takemichci " now come on my grandmothers know you are here and they want you to stay for dinner, and if you leave I will make you pay"

Chifuyu " as you say take-Chan"

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