Getting used to it

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I was looking out the window and heard a knock on the door then someone call "room service!" Gene got up and opened the door.
"Thanks." He told the person, taking the food and shutting the door. I got really nervous and my heart was pounding. Paul walked over to me and handed me my bread. Thank god it was only two small slices.
"Thanks." I quietly said. He smiled at me. I turned back to the window and picked a of a piece of bread.
I finished eating a slice and pushed the rest away.
"Are you ok?" Paul asked, noticing the bread.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"You're a slow e-" Gene started, but got cut off by giving him a death glare.
"So-" Gene started, but I cut off.
"It's fine. You're fine." I said and Paul looked at me puzzled.
"I don't like apologies." I mumbled. He walked over to me.
"Are you not hungry anymore?" He asked, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Mh mh." I shook my head. He picked me up and sat me down on the bed closest to the window. I rolled onto my side and pulled my knees to my chest. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and powered it back on.
"I thought it was dead." Paul said.
"No. I just powered it off." I replied and put in my password since I was on my side and face id didn't work.
"What's dead?" Gene asked.
"My phone. And it's not dead. 95% actually." I replied, opening text messages. I went o send a text, but realized that it probably wouldn't go through. I typed "hey queen. U won't believe this but I fell in a wormhole and am with Paul and Gene. Doubt ull get this tho lol. It's 1978." I then pushed send and saw that it went through after a few seconds. What? I typed again. "Ok so now that you for sure won't believe that cuz it went through???" And sent it.
"What is that? Looks like some sort of alien technology." Gene chuckled.
"It's her phone. She's from 2021. I don't get it either but she said something about a hole and she's stuck here and can't go back." Paul replied for me.
"A wormhole. Basically you can go through it but not back again. So if you fall into one, like I did. You're stuck." I explained, still looking at my phone. My friend read my texts.
"Yeah ur right. I don't believe u. Prove it." She replied.
"How?" I asked.
"Idk. Text a pic of u with them. Wait not even that. U know how to use photoshop. Ft me." They texted. After reading it I saw their name pop up for facetime. How does that even work? 
I pick it up and am confused.
"How are you facetiming me if ur in 78 huh?" She asked.
"I don't know? Want proof?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied laughing.
"Ok. Uh do you guys mind me showing your faces to my friend? It's fine if not." I said.
"Just your friend?" Paul asked.
"Just you right?" I asked her.
"Yes." She laughed. I nodded my head.
"Alright." Paul said, coming over to the bed.
"Now I can sort of believe you." She said.
"Sort of?! He's literally right here!" I said in a high pitched voice.
"How do I know it's really him though?" She and me. I shrugged.
"Anyway. I gotta go." She said and hung up. Paul clicked his tongue.
"Well. You know what happened to you." Paul said, smiling at me and. Uhh...and he umm...he cheek? I started freaking out. Internally, obviously. I was blushing harder than I ever had. Paul could see it through my running makeup. Gene saw too.
"Uh-oh. I don't remember you wearing that much blush when you walked in here." He smirked.
"Uh." I was speechless.
"I-I'll be back." I said and went to the bathroom, almost tripping twice.
"You're making y/n stumble Paul." I heard Gene say behind me. I was almost frozen.
I decided to take my makeup off, since a-they could see and b-my makeup was running all over my face. I got some toilet paper and wetted it, takeoff my makeup. Good thing I forgot setting spray this morning or it'd be impossible to get off.
A few minutes later, it was all off and I was still blushing hard. I walked out anyway, head down.
"Aww. Are you still blushing?" Paul teased, causing me to somehow blush more. And smile a bit. I swear if he did or said anything else I was going to lose myself and grab his head and just make out with him. I lifted my head.
"Oh my god!" Gene yelled.
"You're so red!" He laughed. Paul smirked and winked at me, making me smile. I was resisting the urge to kiss him. I closed my eyes and took a breath, then opened my eyes, took a pillow and screamed into it.
"Is she ok?" Paul asked sounding concerned. He walked up to me, and put a hand on my back.
"Are you ok y/n?" He asked. I nodded and screamed some more.
"God I've been holding that in for a while." I lifted my head and panted. Gene laughed but Paul still looked slightly concerned.
"I think she's into you Paul." Gene said, slowing down his laughter.
"Want round two?" I asked. He shook his head.
I saw Paul was blushing.
"Do you want round two Paul?" I asked jokingly. He blushed more.
"Cause I can give you round two. Easily." I said, holding the pillow in my lap. He just sat there frozen.
"You good?" I asked, putting and arm around his waist. He gasped, then fell back onto the bed.
"Bro are you good? Did I kill you?" I asked. He shook his head.
"Oh thank god." I closed my eyes and slowly shook my head. He got up and went to the bathroom shanking.
"My turn." He called. I laughed along with Gene.
"But you don't have any makeup to take off. Lucky!" I called. Gene looked at me.
"Well." He said drawing it out.
"We both wear mascara. Only Peter doesn't. But me, Ace, and Paul all do." He told me.
"Love that for you." I said not really shocked.
A few minutes later Paul came out.
"What brand do you use?" I asked him.
"Huh?" He asked confused.
"Gene said you guys wear mascara. What brand?" I asked.
"Oh. Uh. Maybelline." He replied shyly. I nodded.

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