Going to the mall

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After laying in bed with Paul for a few minutes, I got up and decided to get dressed. All I had was what I wore yesterday, so I just put that on. I went to do my makeup, but forgot that I had nothing.
"Great." I mumbled to myself.
"What is it?" Paul asked from the bed.
"I'm gonna have to go out without makeup. I'll probably look stupid so I'll take some of this off." I started to take off some of my chains and bracelets.
"I have foundation. I don't know if it's your shade but you can use it." I heard Paul say and looked back to see him walking to his bag.
"You do? Makes sense." I shrugged, peeking my head out of the bathroom. He handed it to me, along with a small eyeshadow pallet that had different shades of brown to black.
"Thanks." I took it and smiled.

*time skip*

After about 30 minutes, I finished. Paul didn't have any makeup sponges, so I had to improvise and use my hands and toilet paper. I used a blush brush he had and the lightest shade there was, which was white, as a setting powder. I came out looking like a different person.
"Wow. You have insane makeup skills." Gene's eyes widened.
"Thanks? I can't tell if you're complimenting my makeup or saying that I'm ugly but thanks?" I said shaking my head and heading the stuff back to Paul so he could put it back where it was.
"No of coarse I'm not calling you ugly! You're gorgeous. It's just that you look like a different person with makeup on." Gene laughed, shaking his head, then took a sip of coffee.
"Ok." I laughed and sat on the bed.
There was a knock on the door and Gene opened it. It was Ace.
"Hey. Are we doing anything today or just relaxing." He asked, walking in. He noticed me.
"Who is that?" His eyes widened in shock.
"A gorgeous woman from the future." Paul replied, winking at me. I blushed.
"Ha! The future? Nice one. But really. Who is she?" Ace did his classic laugh and sat on Gene's bed.
"I am from the future. The names y/n." I said, looking at him.
"Oh wow. She's so-" Ace started.
"Pretty. Yeah." Paul finished. Gene chuckled at how they were acting.
"But the future? I don't believe it." Ace smirked, crossing his arms.
"How about now?" I pulled out my phone.
"What's that?" He asked.
"My phone." I raised my eyebrows.
"That's not a phone. Let me see it." He said, holding his hand out. I gave it to him.
"Be careful. I've got some stuff on there I don't want deleted." I said as he took it from me. I had unlocked it so he wouldn't accidentally lock me out.
"I don't know what this is but it's not a phone. It's like...touch sensitive?" He said confused.
"It's like alien technology."
"Oh. Can you not understand it? I thought you were the techy one?" I teased.
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and handed my phone back.
"I forgot what I came for. Oh yeah. So what's the plan for today?" Ace looked around, then snapped his head toward Paul.
"I'm gonna take y/n somewhere to get clothes." Paul replied, putting on a shirt.
"Oh. I can take her." Ace winked at me. I nervously smiled, scooting back a little bit.
"I think you've been rejected Ace." Gene chuckled.
"I'm almost ready y/n." Paul said, brushing his hair and fluffing it up. I smiled at how cute he was being. I saw ace. He looked like he was deep in thought.
"Whatcha thinking about Ace?" I asked, leaning my head toward him as I propped my arm on my leg.
"I'd take you out to eat after." He quickly said. I froze and my face turned pale. I didn't cake on the foundation since it wasn't mine, so the other could see me. I looked either emotionless or feeling all of the negative emotions at once.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I stayed silent and looked down.
"Do you wanna leave now?" Paul asked and walked over to me. I nodded.
As the door shut, I could hear Gene telling Ace about how I don't like eating in front of other people.
"I feel bad." I mumbled, hugging Paul.
"What do you mean?" He asked as he returns the hug.
"I just completely shut down in there and now Ace is upset. I didn't mean to, I just. Ya know?" I said, holding back tears.
"Hey. It's ok. Do you mind if I ask. I'm not hiding at all by the way. But why do you just shut down. Become emotionless. Whenever someone upsets you." Paul asked. I froze. Again. I could tell him I have autism (a/n: yes. I actually do.) but even people back in 2021 found that hard to grasp.
"I umm. It's umm. S-social anxiety." I stuttered.
"Oh. I've never seen it like this. I know people with it, but I've never seen it this bad." He said as we walked down to the elevator.
"Heheh. Yeah." I nervously chuckled.

When we got out of the hotel, Paul remembered something.
"Oh. Um. By any chance do you have that mask from yesterday on you?" He asked, hiding his face with his hand.
"Um...hold on. Yep." I dug around my pockets and found it. I handed it to him and he was quick to put it on.
"Thanks." He smiled from underneath the mask.

We got to a street mall and Paul asked where I wanted to go.
"Anywhere that has a lot of black clothing. Or red." I shrugged. He took my hand and lead me to a store.

Just posting an update. There's gonna be a part 2 to this chapter but I'm just posting this for now.

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