Night time

412 12 2

It was getting dark and I was kinda hungry.
"Paul?" I asked.
"Um...are there any stores open? Like where I can get something to eat?" I asked.
"Like a restaurant?" He asked.
"No. Like a corner store or something?" I asked, feeling anxious.
"Yeah. I was going to a store earlier. It should be open. Wanna go?" He replied.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"Alright." He said getting up. I got up as well, grabbing my wallet and shoes.
"We'll be back." Paul called out to Gene.
"Ok. Where you going?" He asked.
"The store store I was gonna go to earlier." Paul replied and we left.
"Do you have that mask from earlier?" He asked.
"Uhh...yeah." I said, pulling the mask out from my pocket.
*time skip*
We made it to the store and went in. I went over to the chip isle and grabbed a small bag of chips. Then, I looked for pads, since I was gonna start my period soon. I found them and grabbed a box. I found Paul and we went to the counter. I put the stuff up there and grabbed my wallet.
"I'll pay." Paul offered, taking out his wallet.
"No it's fine. I got it." I said. He took out cash and handed it to the cashier. He smiled at me.
"You two together?" They asked.
"Hope so." Paul chuckled. The cashier put the bag on the counter and I grabbed it.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to pay." I told Paul.
"No. But I wanted to." He put an arm around me, making me blush again. He smiled.
"You like making me blush huh?" I chuckled.
"Yeah." He smirked, pulling me closer to him. I felt a chill go down my back.
We got back to the hotel and Gene was in the shower. I took out my chips and opened the bag. "What else is in the bag?" He asked.
"Oh um. I'm gonna be starting my period in a day or two so I got pads." I said quietly.
"Oh. Are you gonna need anything else?" He asked.
"I don't think so." I shook my head, grabbing another chip.
"Ok. Just tell me if you do." He replied.
Gene got out of the shower and came back out in a few minutes.
"I'll be out in like 20ish minutes." Paul said and got clean clothes from his bag. He went in and I heard him turn on the water.
A few minutes later I heard something.
"Now all I want to know is how to go. I've tasted blood and I want more." It was Paul singing in the shower.
"More more more." I mumbled as he sang.
"I'll put up no resistance, I want to stay the distance." He continued.
"I've got an inch to scratch. I need assistance."
"Toucha toucha toucha touch me. I wanna be dirty. Thrill me chill me fulfill me. Creature of the night." He kept singing and I mumbled the lyrics.
15 minutes later I heard the water turn off. 10 minutes later Paul came out and he had a face mask on. I smiled at him and was abt to pull a Debbie Ryan (if u don't know what that is u put ur hair behind ur ear and flutter ur eyes and smirk) but didn't. He walked over to me and sat down next to me on the bed.
"I didn't know you were a fan of rocky horror." I smirked and he blushed.
"Yeah. I-I am." He chuckled.
"Anyone wanna watch something?" Gene asked.
"Sure. What's on?" Paul replied.
"Uhh...let me see." Gene said turning in the tv.
"Rocky horror will be on in like 5 minutes if you wanna watch it." Gene said. Paul looked at me, silently asking if I wanted to watch it. I nodded.
"Alright. Yeah." He told Gene and Gene put on the channel that it was on.
Right before it came on, Paul went to the bathroom to take off the mask. He came back and it was starting. Then he did something I didn't expect. He came over to the bed, layed down next to me, put an arm around me and motioned for me to lay on his chest. I blushed and scooted onto him. He started to play with my hair and i accidentally moaned. I jumped up and put a hand over my mouth.
"I'm sorry. I didn't me-" I started but then Paul grabbed my hand.
"You're fine. Come on." Paul smiled at me. I layed back down and cuddled him. I fell asleep halfway through the movie.
Paul's pov
Y/n had fallen asleep on my chest. I put my hand in her hair and messed with it for a few minutes. I looked over and saw that Gene was struggling to stay awake. I decided to turn off the tv and get ready to go to sleep. I picked up y/n and she cuddled into me more.
"Did I wake you up?" I asked.
"No. I wasn't fully asleep." She replied.
"Ok." I said, pulling the blanket down. I put her down on the bed and went to take off my shirt because I was kind of hot. I don't know if it was just me since Gene didn't take his off.
"What are you doing?" Y/n mumbled.
"Taking off my shirt. Are you ok with that?" I replied and y/n's eyes cracked open and they nodded. I finished taking it off and then crawled into bed next to y/n. She put an arm around me and pulled herself closer. I blushed and put my arm around her.
Y/n pov
I woke up and was cuddling Paul. I saw that he wasn't wearing a shirt. "Is that what he said yesterday?" I thought to myself. I looked up at him. He looked so peaceful. I contemplated kissing him. I thought about it for a few minutes and eventually did. I was careful to not wake him up.
A few minutes later, he woke up, but my eyes were shut so he thought I was asleep. He kissed my head and put a hand in my hair. I blushed softly. I poked my head up to see if we were alone. No. Gene was watching us.
"Did I wake you up? Sorry if I did." Paul said tiredly.
"No. Did I wake you up?" I asked and Paul shook his head.
"No why?" He asked me.
"Oh. reason." I giggled. He got up to go to the bathroom. I've seen pictures of him shirtless, but I've never seen him shirtless in person. Needless to say, I blushed like crazy.
"What's up? See something you like?" Gene laughed at me. I looked away as Paul chuckled.
A few minutes later he came back out and couldn't help but stare at him. He came over to me and put an arm around me. I collapsed into his lap, still only half asleep. He layed back down and I asked if they had anything they needed to do today. He said that they had a day off and asked if I wanted to do something. Then he remembered that I didn't have any clothes and asked if I wanted to go to an outlet mall that was near bye. I said yes. He told me we would leave at 12.

Heyyyyy. So basically I got rlly tired at the end of this but wanted to finish the chapter. Hope u like it.

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