Going to the mall pt 2

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He pointed out one store and took my hand and ran to it with me, acting we had been best friends for years. I giggled and blushed as I almost tripped in my platforms.
"Woah. You ok?" He asked, catching me and I nodded.
"Yeah." I said and we kept walking.
Once we got there, I looked around in amazement. I saw a few band shirts and a section with black jeans. I walked over to it and looked at the price.
"Don't worry about price. I'll get you whatever you want." He smiled, pushing my hand away from the tag.
"You don't have too." I look up at him.
"I don't have to but I'm going to. You've been through kind of a lot in the past like 24 hours. And you can't get back home, so I'm buying you clothes. And I mean it when I say I'm buying ok?" He told me with a hand on my shoulder.
"Ok. Uh...thanks." I say shyly.
"No problem." He smiled.

We were in the store for about 20 minutes before I was finished. Paul found a few things he liked too and decided to get them. I was still gonna try one last time to pay, but Paul beat me to it.
"Told you. You're not paying." He smirked. The cashier looked at him for a while as they scanned the clothing.
"You look familiar." They said, tilting their head. Paul froze for a second.
"From where?" He asked shakily.
"I don't know. It's really your hair." They said and looked back on a back wall where there was a poster of kiss.
"You kinda look like that umm...what's his name again...Paul Stanley. You look like him." They said and Paul looked kind of scared. I decided to step in.
"Huh? I mean...I can see with the hair but nothing else." I said.
"What is your name then. Maybe I know you from somewhere else." The person said as they finished ringing up our stuff.
"Kyle Smith." Paul replied, choosing the two most basic names. Smart of him.
"Yeah no. Well, you're total is $145.67." They replied. Paul pulled out his wallet and handed the cashier the money.
"You can keep the change." He smiled. He grabbed the two bags from the counter and we left.
"Is there anywhere else you wanted to go? I saw you wore makeup yesterday. Do you wanna get some, cuz I know a place." He offered.
"Are you really ok spending all this money on me? I can pay you back if you want." I said looking down, feeling guilty that he was buying all this stuff for me although he seemed to enjoy it.
"Yes. Don't worry. And you don't need to pay me back. Do you want to get makeup?" He laughed and I nervously smiled.
"Uh..sure." I said quietly.
"Ok. I know a place." He said and grabbed my hand, smiling as we walked along the streets. We eventually got to the place he was talking about and he opened the door for me.
"Th-thank you." I said and walked in. He smiled back at me.

I was in the store and went immediately to find the most pale foundation they had. An older woman who looked like she was in her 40s saw me. She was with her kid, who looked to be about 6 or 7. She shielded the kids eyes when she saw that I was wearing a kiss shirt. Of course I saw it all, so I went over to her.
"Hi can I help you?" I asked, looking down at her. She saw my pentacle necklace and froze.
"Your the spawn of satan. That satanic band won't help you at all. You need Jesus. He's your only hope." She said shakily, holding her kid behind her. The kid looked out from behind their mother.
"You're pretty." They said, chewing on their nails.
"Don't encourage her. She's going to hell. If you like how she looks, so will you." The mother scolded her child. I was trying not to laugh but it was also kind of sad.
"But she'll be there right?" The kid said and I couldn't hold back my laughter. Paul found me.
"Hey y/n. What's going on?" He asked.
"This kid wants to go to hell because of me." I said laughing. His eyes widened.
"What?" He laughed.
"Yeah. The kid thinks I'm pretty, which thank you, and the mom is saying that I'm going to hell and that I'm a satanist for being a kiss fan." I said laughing and gesturing with my hands.
"I am not his mother I'm his grandmother." She raised her voice.
"How old are you? You look 40." I said shocked.
"Excuse me! I don't look a day past 20. And I'm 35." She said and my jaw dropped and I bursted out laughing.
"A grandmother at 35?!" Paul shouted laughing.
"Ye-es. I-I'm not proud of it." She said.
"So who sinned at 16?" I joked and Paul laughed along.
"That's no one's business." She said. Paul and I had laughed so hard that our eyes tarted to water, causing Paul's mascara to run.
"Are you wearing makeup?!" The grandmother yelled.
"Ah don't forget what you did at 16." I said and the woman left the store.
"A grandmother at 35? Wow. And that child looked at least 6." Paul said as I grabbed the lightest foundation.
"Yeah." I said and we headed over to eyeshadow. I picked a pallet with matte black and white and shimmery white and black. I also got two brushes.
We went to the checkout counter and luckily didn't have another close call with showing Paul's identity.

We got back to the hotel and saw that Ace was still in Paul and Gene's room. Ace saw me and looked down. I must have really hurt him earlier. I felt bad but I couldn't apologize. It'd be too weird. I'll do it when no one's expecting it cuz it'll make it less awkward. Instead I sat by the window and looked out at the city. It was so pretty and I couldn't wait for it to be night and dark out.

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