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Paul's pov

I go to my room where y/n is at to comfort her. I open the door with the hotel key and hear y/n crying. She's laying on the bed on her side, face in a pillow and facing away from me.
"Hey y/n. Are you ok? Ace told me what happened." I sit next to her and she slightly nods.
"Can you tell me why you're upset? Ace just said that he upset you accidentally." I ask. She's quiet for a few seconds before replying.
"Yeah. I think he likes me just judging on how he was acting around me a-and when he u-upset me." She starts crying harder trying to explain what happened.
"Hey. Hey it's ok. Come here." I pull her into a hug and she leans into me.
"I just. I hate upsetting people. Especially when I feel like I mean a lot to them. Even though we've only known each other for a day or two." Y/n replies. I want to tell her that Ace and Peter are dating, but I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone. Maybe I can ask one thing though.
"Um. Kinda off topic but also on topic. Can I ask you a sort of personal question?" I ask.
"How personal?" She says into my shoulder.
"Your sexuality?" I reply, biting my cheek.
"Uh-m. Bi. Why?" She asks.
"Ok. Uhm. This might help you not feel as guilty. Ace and Peter are dating." I say and she looks up, giving a small smile but then tearing up and throwing her face into a pillow agin and screaming. Oh no.
"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"I really thought he was in love with me?! What is wrong me?!" She screamed muffled into the pillow.
"Hey. Hey it's ok." I start.
"No it's not! I thought someone was in love with me! How full of myself can I get??" She cried.
"I mean. You had the right idea." I say, slowly letting her know that I had fallen in love with her over the past 48 hours.
"What do you mean?" She mumbles into the pillow.
"Someone has fallen in love with you...just not who you thought." I say, running my hand through her soft hair.
"How could anyone fall for me? You're lying." She replies and I feel my heart break.
"Oh y/n. What makes you think that?" I say and she takes her head out of the pillow.
"Look at me. I'm short. I'm ugly. My voice is disgusting. I'm annoying. I'm not funny. I just don't see why anyone would ever want to date me." She sobs as I pull her into a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.
"I get it. Trust me. I hate everything about myself too." I say and she sniffs, pulling back.
"Yeah but you're beautiful. I mean, you're Paul Stanley. How can you not be gorgeous. Even in the future when you're old, you're still hot." She chuckles.
"I guess we just don't see what the other sees." I smile.
"Yeah. I guess." She shrugs and leans back into me.
"Uh-um. You said someone loved me earlier? Who?" She asks and my heart starts beating faster. She seemed kind of heartbroken when I told her Ace didn't love her earlier and I'm scared that if I tell her and she doesn't feel the same way, she may never think of me the same way. But whatever. Who cares. And by the way she was describing me, I think she does.
"Well...she says that I'm gorgeous even when I'm old. She's doesn't see herself how I do." I say and I feel her start to tear up again.
"Y/n. I love you." I say and she hugs me tighter, crying harder.
"Are you ok?" I ask and she nods.
"The per-son who I-I love the most out of the s-seven billion people in the wo-world and who I thought I n-never would even meet ju-jusst told me that he loves me-e." She cries, slightly yelling the last bit.
"Hey. It's ok." I say and lay down, letting her cuddle me.
"I-I love you." She says shakily and I let out a small chuckle.
"I love you too."

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