Ace wants y/n

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Ace's pov

Paul and y/n get back from the mall laughing with each other around 3 pm. I'm jealous of him even though I've only just met her yesterday. Y/n is gorgeous and I feel like I know everything about her even though I just know her first name. She sees me and stops looking. I look down. I want her, but don't know how to get her.

A few minutes later she comes and sit by the window and stares out at the city, smiling. I scoot over to her and she glances at me, smile dropping, before she looks back out the window. I look over at Gene, silently asking to him leave and he does. Paul went to talk to Peter, probably about y/n, so I have some alone time to try and talk to her.

"Hey y/n." I say and she jumps slightly.
"Hm?" She snaps her head to look at me.
"Did...did I do something to upset you?" I ask and she turns her head away.
"N-nothing intentional. You didn't know." She mumbles, crossing her legs and hugging herself.
"I'm sorry. What did I do? So I don't do it again." I look at y/n sadly.
"Um...just...I'll tell you if it comes up again." She looks down at her hands. I place my hand on hers.
"Please. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or upset again." I tell her, trying not to sound too desperate. She sighs then looks at me.
"I...I don't like to eat in front of people that I...well ya know. Care about...or think will judge me." She says and I'm confused by which one I am.
"I won't judge you for what or how you eat don't worry." I reassure slightly smiling at her.
"You can say that but I'll still think you're judging me." She mumbles, closing in on herself. I feel my heart drop. I'm not the first one. I bet Paul's the first one.
" don't think of me the same way you do Paul?" I ask, pulling my hand away.
"Well-uh..." She starts but started getting nervous as soon as I said that thing about Paul. I see starting to shake and immediately regret what I said.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." I tell her and put my hand on her shoulder, half expecting her to shrug it off, but she didn't. She just started breathing shakily and trembling. I messed up.
"Should I just leave you alone?" I ask and she quickly nods yes. I leave the room and hear her start to cry. She didn't want to cry in front of me. Maybe she at least cares about me a little bit?

Sorry for the short chapter but at least you got an update?? I'll have more out hopefully soon but maybe not idk just depends on how creative I am. Anyway I hope u liked it.

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