They're a couple now

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Ace's pov

I woke up, laying on Peter's chest and smiled to myself.
"Finally awake?" He chuckles and I hug him, nodding.
"Mhm." I mumble, smiling to myself.
"Aw. Spacey didn't get enough cuddles?" He says as he moves my hair out of my face, still chuckling. I could feel my face start to heat up. Before he could tease me about my blushing? I covered my face.
"Why'd you do that baby?" I can hear the smirk on his face as he says that.
"Fuck you." I mumble jokingly and he laughs.
"What time is it?" I ask.
"Uh...." He starts, looking up, "6." He finishes.
"Oh wow. I slept for 4 hours." I say, voice still groggy.
"I've been up for about an hour. Didn't wanna wake you up." He says as I sit up and rub my eyes.
"Oh. Well thanks." I chuckle and he gets up as well.
"Where'd Paulie go?" I ask.
"I don't know. Probably to y/n." He says, getting out of bed.
"Mh. Yeah. Probably." I yawn, stretching my arms.
"Wanna go see what's going on with them?" He smirks and I nod.


Paul's pov

I wake up and see y/n sleeping next to me, curled up in a ball and face in my side. Her arm is draped over my chest and her eyes start to flutter. I turn to my side carefully, trying to not wake her up.

I hear a knock on the door, which startles me, and I look down at y/n, who's still asleep. I carefully get up and go to the door. I open it to see Ace and Peter standing there.
"You fall asleep too?" Ace chuckles. I can see in his eyes that he just woke up.
"Yeah. Y/n is still asleep." I say, opening the door more so they can come in.
"Aww. Did she fall asleep on you too?" Peter asks, looking up at Ace and Ace blushes and pulls his arms to his chest.
"Yeah and you fell asleep on Peter? Aww." I say, looking at Ace.

I hear a groan and look over to y/n. I see her yawn and walk over to her.
"Did I wake you? Sorry if I did." I say, stroking her cheek and here a chuckle from behind me. I turn to see Peter laughing to himself.
"What?" I say, knowing he would just shake his head.
"Nothing. Finally find someone who likes the romantic shit?" He says and Ace starts giggling to himself. Y/n turns to face me and buries her face, which is bright red from blushing, under the covers.
"Aw." Peter jokes.
"Y'all were cuddling, what's the difference?" I say and y/n comes out of the covers and sits up.
"Are you two...." She says, pointing to Ace and Peter.
"Uh...." Ace's face goes white.
"Knew it." She smirks, laughing to herself.
"So you're ok with it?" Peter asks uncertaint.
"Yeah. And who cares if I'm cool with it? It's not my relationship. This isn't 5th grade." She says and Peter looks at Ace.
"I being gay." Ace says.
"It'd be hypocritical of me to be against it as a bisexual myself." She puts her hand on her chest and smirks up at them.
"Oh you're bi?" Ace says and y/n nods.
"Yep. I've been having bi panic ever since coming here cuz everyone is hot. Unlike the 2020s when there's like 3 hot people in a crowd of 7,000." She laughs, pulling the covers fully off of her.
"Nice. Anyway I'm kinda hungry. Anyone up for a double date to Taco Bell?" Ace says and we all giggle.
"Taco Bell?" I ask.
"That's the most romantic place on earth Paulie." Y/n giggles and Ace nods.
"Yeah Paulie." He jokes and starts laughing harder.
"Sure. Why not." I laugh and get up.

Heyyyy. Sorry for the long wait. I have had no ideas. It's a short chapter but it's something. Hope u like it.

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