Chapter 9

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• Stan P.o.V.

It had been about a week of us going around Derry to find y/n. Richie's sister had gone missing, so he only came with us if it was about him. He also would randomly call us giving us clues that would turn out to be useful, and when we would try to confront him about it, he would just say he wasn't allowed to say. He seemed far more invested in trying to find y/n after his sister went missing, though. I think we are finally getting close to wherever y/n is. Right now, we are going to the quarry for one of Victor's parts. I think that something was going on between him and y/n, but I'm not going to ask him in front of everyone.

"We're here," Belch announced.

Victor ran over to a tree and grabbed a box out of it. Inside was a folded-up paper. He slowly unfolded it to reveal a picture of Neibolt house.

"Well, what is it?" Patrick asked.

"A picture of Neibolt," I told everyone quietly.

Everyone became silent. We all quietly got back into the car and drove to the creepy house. Once we got there, everyone slowly got out of the car and walked up to the building. Sitting on the first step was another box. I slowly picked it up and it was a picture of a well. Nobody knew where it was so we decided to just keep walking in.

"We should split up into groups to cover more ground," Victor suggested.

"He's right. This house is big. It'll take us a long time to explore it all." Bev added.

"We will explore upstairs," Henry said, motioning to the Bowers gang.

"B-Bev, Stan, a-a-and Mike explore d-downstairs and we'll explore u-up here," Bill said.

Bev, Mike, and I ran down the stairs to explore. I quickly noticed it was all one big room (I'm too lazy to go double-check what everything looks like so sorry if I get anything wrong). Everything down there was covered in dust and cobwebs, except for one thing. There was a well in the middle of the basement, the same one in the picture. It didn't have any dust or cobwebs on it, almost like it was cleaned just before we got here.


Bill's group came rushing down the stairs, Henry's group not long after them.

"How do we get down there?" Ben asked.

Bill pulled a rope that seems to be connected to the fountain. Henry tugged on it a bit to make sure it was steady.

"Belch, Vic, you two go in first to help everyone get into that hole," Henry told while pointing to a hole in the side of the well.

Vic climbed down first with a pocket knife in hand, then Belch who had a flashlight. After them, we all got in, then Patrick and Henry. Once we were all down, we decided to go deeper. Henry led, with Bill, Vic, and I not far behind. Everyone else was taking their time looking around. We were all staying within 5 feet of each other, though, as to not get lost. We all followed Henry until we got to this huge room that was filled with trash, and what looked like bodies floating around.

"Holy shit." I heard Richie mutter.

•Y/n P.o.V.

Elizabeth and I got along quite well. I still don't know how she survived, though. It's like Pennywise just felt bad for her or something.

"Hey Lizzie, can I ask you a question?" I asked her.

"Sure!" She responded.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Nothing scares me. The only thing that I should be scared of is death, but my mommy said that death was like a new chapter in my life that I should embrace when it comes." She explained.

"Oh wow, I've never thought of it that way," I said.

"What about you? What are you scared of?" She asked.

"Micheal Myers. He's this super creepy dude that has this white mask who goes around killing everyone in his sight." I explained.

Usually, I wouldn't be comfortable discussing this with someone so young, but Lizzie was quite mature for her age. Definitely more mature than her brother. Suddenly, the cage started shaking, and Pennywise threw his head into the cage.

"You two. Time to hide!" He said quickly.

The cage was then thrown into the center of the trash pile, all of the towels and trinkets I had on it flying off. A wooden door flipped up in front of us, trapping us inside. We were stuck in a cage stuck in a box under a pile of stuff kids had when they went missing.

"What's happening?" Elizabeth cried.

"I don't know," I responded a calmly as possible.

Elizabeth clung onto me crying into my shirt.

"Holy shit." An unknown voice from outside said quietly.


Another shorter chapter cuz I don't have time to write more so I'm just gonna leave you on a cliffhanger for the night.


Henry Bowers' Sister [Victor Criss x reader x Stan Uris]Where stories live. Discover now