Chapter 8

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Y/n P.o.V.

"Listen, quarter boy, you can't scare me with trying to eat my arm off," I said, getting annoyed with his efforts. "The only thing that scares me is my dad, and we all know how that went."

Pennywise had tried to scare me by turning into my dad, whom I ended up socking him in the face and kicking him in the no-no square. I took this chance to find an escape, but the only one was up. When I turned around, Freddy Krueger was standing behind me.

"Nice try, Freddy can only kill me in dreams, and I'm pretty sure I'd know if I was dreaming," I told. I walked around, seeing a yellow paper boat that said 'S.S. Georgie'. I knew it had belonged to Georgie Denborough, Bill's little brother.  I turned around to go back to my cage, which I had made comfortable with a few shirts and such I had found while exploring when Pennywise was away, to see Jason.

"Jason." He was in character with the head snap at the name. "First of all, this isn't crystal lake, and second of all, Jason wouldn't just be standing there, he'd be chasing me with whatever weapon he found first. I turned around, deciding to find something else to add to my collection of shit I had in my cage. To my expectancy, Chucky and Annabelle were sitting right beside each other.

"Aww, how pretty of a doll!" I said, hoping it seemed like I didn't know what they were from.

The Chucky came running at me with a knife, which earned it a kick to the head. This caused the head to fly off. I took the knife and went over to the Annabelle doll. I hadn't watched Annabelle in a while, but I did remember the doll was haunted by a demon, and demons hated prayer. So, I did the only rational thing to do, chop all of its hair off and recite the Lord's Prayer in Latin.

"Pater Noster qui es in caelis sanctificator nomen tuum." I started, remembering it from some church camp my mother sent me to when I was like 4. (Finally my 4 years of being forced to study Latin in school is coming in handy... For fanfiction)

The doll started having a seizure as I carried on.

"Sed libera nos a malo. Amen." I finished, then threw the doll.

"Beat that clown boy!" I shouted in victory.

I turned to where the Chucky doll once was to see Micheal Myers.

"It's not Halloween yet. Nice try." I said as I walked over to my cage, now with a small stuffed bunny. I had used some towels to block off any sight of my cage so Pennywise couldn't stare at me while I was in the cage. I had found a Stephen King book called 'The Shining' and decided that I would read that in my spare time. I entered my cage to see two dead bodies, Stan and Vic. I knew it wasn't real, but at the same time, it seemed so real.

"Ohmygod," I said quickly.

And just like that, the bodies disappeared, and I sat down to read my book. I knew that my friends were looking for me, as Pennywise had told me that he was setting up a treasure hunt to find me. I got to help a bit, to make sure that it was still possible, and to get all the locations perfect. Pennywise suddenly appeared at the door to my cage in his clown form.

"Are you done trying to scare me?" I asked him.

"For now, we need to go set up another treasure hunt," Pennywise told.

"What do you mean another?" I asked.

Pennywise smiled as he moved out of the way to reveal a small girl, around 7. Her hands were tied together and she had duct tape over her mouth. Pennywise quickly removed them and threw her in with me. The small girl didn't know what to do, so she ran into the corner beside me. Pennywise slammed the door.

"W-who are you?" The girl asked between sobs.

"I'm y/n, y/n Bowers," I told her.

Her eyes widened at my name. It was clear that she knew I was missing.

"Am I missing?" She asked, clearly very frightened.

"Yes, and you are incredibly lucky. We have a chance to escape and go live our lives again." I explained, hoping that it would cheer her up.

"What about the others?" She asked. "The other missing people?"

"They weren't as lucky." I sadly told her.

"What?" She asked.

"We can talk about that later. It's safe in here, the clown won't hurt you." I told her.

Sure, that wasn't entirely true, but I would do my best to protect her. If I wouldn't make it out alive, she would.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Elizabeth Tozier." She said quietly.

"Do you have a big brother named Richie?" I asked. The little girl nodded her head.

"I used to be friends with Richie. He was always super brave and made sure everyone he hung out with was safe." I told her. Sure, it wasn't entirely true, but he did always make sure everyone was comfortable and safe for the most part.

Elizabeth smiled at the thought of her brother.

"So Elizabeth, what do you like?" I asked her.

"Unicorns!" She said happily.

"Alright, you wait here, I'll go get you all of the unicorn things I can find!" I told her as I got up.

My new roommate was great. I just wonder how she survived.


Word Count: 944

Shorter chapter but now you know what's going in with y/n.


Henry Bowers' Sister [Victor Criss x reader x Stan Uris]Where stories live. Discover now