Chapter 10 (Stan's Version)

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• 3rd Person P.o.V.

"Holy shit," Richie muttered.

Everyone looked around to see the bodies of all the missing kids floating around a pile of all their belongings. Inside the cage, y/n was trying to tell Elizabeth what to do.

"If you get out of here alive tell your parents that a scary man took you," Y/n told the younger girl.

"But that's lying." She whispered back.

"Not technically. He may not completely be a scary man but if you tell them the truth they will send you off to a scary place." Y/n whispered.

"Okay." The younger said quietly.

Y/n hugged her like there was no tomorrow, which could potentially be true.

Outside, Pennywise had appeared in front of the boys.

"Welcome! I was expecting your visit to be earlier. Guess you guys were too scared to wait longer." Pennywise said, emphasizing the 'scared'.

"Where's y/n?" Henry asked.

"Oh, you'll get her... If you defeat me!" Pennywise giggled.

Suddenly, it turned into a tall woman with a curvy face and ran towards Stan. Just before it could get to him, Victor slit the side of its throat. The slit then got stitches and the woman became Frankenstein. It walked toward Victor, but Richie grabbed a bat and swung it into its side. Pennywise then took his clown form and ran after Richie. Bev stabbed it with a metal pole. It turned into a taller, bigger boy with brown hair who kind if resembled Victor. The man chased Vic down a tunnel until he reached a dead end.

"Hey Viccy boy." The man smiled.

It was his brother. Victor's biggest fear was his own brother. It pulled out a switchblade, the switchblade he almost killed Vic with when they were younger. It walked up to him with the switch in hand, stabbing him in the stomach. He removed the knife and quickly ran back to the losers so they didn't see what happened to Victor. Meanwhile, Victor tried his best to get up and get back to the group.

"Are you still my little-" Bev stabbed it again with the metal pole.

"Start acting like a man He-" another stab from Henry's knife.

It then transformed into a giant leech, which Patrick nervously set on fire. The group went around defeating all of their worst fears until the clown slowly started falling into the pit in the corner that led to god knows where. The group followed it, weapons in hand until all you could see was its fingers, gripped onto the short walls that came above the floor.

"Fear," Pennywise whispered, then fell.

There was a loud noise behind them. They all turned around to see a cage that had a black sheet draped over it. Henry instantly pulled the sheet down, revealing a very scared y/n and Elizabeth.

"Y/N!" Henry yelled.

"LIZZY!" Richie yelled at the same time.

The opened the crate and the two girls crawled out.

"Where's Vic?" Y/n asked.

No response.

"WHERE'S VIC?" Y/n practically yelled.

There were some slow steps coming from the entrance, and everyone turn around to see Victor. The second he got into the room, he collapsed.

"VIC!" Y/n yelled, running at him. "Nonono Victor don't die please!" Y/n was balling, on her knees beside Vic, everyone else crowded around them.

Henry Bowers' Sister [Victor Criss x reader x Stan Uris]Where stories live. Discover now