Chapter 5

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I walked through the forest, listening to all the birds chirping around me. I thought about the pros and cons of dating Vic and Stan. Pros of dating Vic: super hot boyfriend, with someone I can trust, I've known him longer, and he'd be willing to throw himself in front of a train for me. Cons of dating Vic: he's my brother's best friend, he beats up kids for fun, and is probably a sociopath. Pros of dating Stan: He's cute, he's smart, he's loyal, and he's someone I can trust. Cons of dating Stan: He's in the same friend group as me and it would be awkward if we broke up, he's a scaredy-cat, he's kinda boring, and my brother beats him up for fun.

Ugh, why do feelings have to be so complicated?

After walking for about 15 minutes, I heard something behind me. I pulled out my pocket knife in case it was a murderer or some shit. After scanning the area for a minute, I turned around, and JASON FUCKING VOORHEES was right in front of me. I did the only rational thing to do as Henry Bowers' sister, kick him in the dick, stab him in the chest, and run for my life. He had an axe but seemed too stunned to throw it when I started running. After sprinting through the woods for about 10 minutes, I decided to slow down, thinking I had lost him. This fucking clown. After walking for a few minutes, you would've never guessed who was there when I turned the corner. Pennywise. Fucking shit man, can I not be left alone for one day? Jeez.

"What do you need Pennywhore or whatever the fuck your name was?" I asked, done with this bullshit and just wanting to get on with my walk.

"You." It said and grabbed my neck.

"Kinky." I said.

It was obvious it was mad that I wasn't scared of it, but I had better things to be focused on. Just then, I felt it grab my wrist and suddenly, everything was black.

When I awoke, I was in that same place I had seen so vividly a few weeks ago. I was trapped in a cage, and in front of me was a huge pile of garbage stacked up for about 50 feet, and what looked like children, ranging from about 5 years old to 19 years old, floating beside the trash tower. How were those kids staying in the air? I didn't have time for questions, though. I need to figure out how to get out of here. It doesn't look like there is a door anywhere or anything that leads to the outside world. Suddenly, a door opened at the bottom of the trash pile. It revealed the clown doing some weird dance. Was this Its way of scaring me? Once it decided it danced enough, he ran over to me.

"I wonder what you taste like?" It smiled creepily.

"Well, I had ramen for dinner if that's what your asking. Anyways where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"You humans have always confused me. I could bite your arm off at any second and you ask to go the bathroom?"

"Well, I need to pee. And, you wouldn't bite my arm off because it wouldn't be tasty since I'm not scared of you." I explained. "So are you gonna show me the bathroom or not?"

Pennywise just walked away at this.

∆∞ Time skip and 3rd Person P.o.V.

(Also Henry has found out that she was hanging with the losers club)

Y/n has been missing for a few weeks now, and the losers club and the bowers gang are determined to find her. Suddenly, while the losers club is walking past the Neibolt house, a small box gets thrown out in front of them.

"The fuck?" Richie questioned.

Ben slowly got closer to it and opened it. Inside was a note.

"Deep in the forest, one's been there, talks about everything and nothing, your first ever lair. That's what it says." Ben said. (I'm sorry I'm bad at rhymes)

Henry Bowers' Sister [Victor Criss x reader x Stan Uris]Where stories live. Discover now