Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello my lovelies!!! I haven't finished this fic but I couldn't wait any longer to publish lol. I'm just going to upload chapters when I feel like it, hopefully there'll be a new one every few days so keep your eyes peeled. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on it! <3

"God's dice always have a lucky roll."

The quote from Sophocles circles Ada's mind as she rubs her two loaded dice together. While she finds philosophy to be pretentious and mundane, there is the occasional gem of insight that sticks with her. After all, what do these people know about the hardships of life? What enables them to believe their words are so profound that they must be recorded in a book?

At an earlier point in her adulthood, Ada spent a good amount of time debating whether or not she should make a career out of gambling, mainly poker. The metaphorical scale used to weigh up her options was tipped against the idea since it's difficult to guarantee a steady income when one has to play by the rules. She doesn't enjoy losing, and the odds of winning are far too uncertain for her liking. Back when she played for sport, the most enjoyable part of it all was watching the horror form on the faces of the men whose money she took. With that, there comes a certain type of power that's difficult to replicate in everyday life.

Power. Ultimately, that's what it boils down to. A woman in today's society hardly has any power of her own, and Ada takes it where she can get it. That's the likely reason behind her motive for taking a job in the government. The world is full of bad people and when she's the one bringing them to justice, that specific type of power rushes through her veins. It's not an easy game by any stretch of the imagination, she must plan all of her moves in advance and always be two steps ahead of every other player; outlaws and government officials the like. And of course, God always has the upper hand.

Is it a God complex that she's got? Is it due to the insecurity of knowing every man she meets underestimates her? Yes, probably. Does that make it any less sweet when she claims victory? Not at all. She doesn't care, it's the result that matters most to her. Not the journey she takes in getting there.

That's not to say she doesn't have a moral compass, quite the opposite. Sure, that might be hard to believe following everything that's just been said, but it's true. Her initial attraction to a job in the government bringing down the bad guys wasn't borne from a desire to have power; it was from the murder of her mother at the hands of some outlaw scum. She felt powerless and vowed she'd never feel that way again. Now she's the one that decides their fate.

At least she would be if the Pinkerton National Detective Agency had an ounce of sense. It's exhausting how blinded they are by red tape and regulations. There are so many rules that must be followed that by the time all the hoops have been jumped through the leads have all gone cold.

There's an old superstition that rubbing together dice is supposed to bring you good luck. Ada doesn't know if that counts for trick dice like in her case, but she could use all the help she can get with her current predicament.

Her mind is currently plagued by a gang of outlaws that call themselves the Van der Linde Gang. They mainly concern themselves with robberies and apparently operate on some sort of 'Robin Hood' philosophy. Yep, that's the one. Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. Sounds like a saviour complex if ever she's heard one.

Their ideals stem from their leader, Dutch van der Linde. Supposedly, he's a silver-tongued devil that prays on lost souls and enrols them into his gang. He convinces them that they've got a purpose and that with his guidance, they can make the world a better place – one robbery at a time. If he's Satan seducing them into sin, then she'll happily be God and smite him down.

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