Chapter 60

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It took an emotional couple of weeks for the atmosphere around camp to return to its usual state following recent events. Ada found the nights especially tough, sleep not coming quite as easy no matter how tightly Dutch held her or how many poems he read to her in the dead of night. The daytime, however, somehow felt more peaceful. She breathes the fresh morning air that feels purer than ever as she looks across the lake, Abigail beside her with a coffee in hand.

"How you feeling?" she asks, placing a hand on Ada's forearm.

"I'm okay," Ada sighs contently. "It's like a weight has been lifted, you know? I always waited for the day I could avenge my mother but I never thought it'd actually come. Suppose, Dutch was technically the one to do the avenging."

"That's good to hear, I was worried you wouldn't find the peace you'd expected from it."

"Me too," she hums. "It was tough, digging the past back up like that but I can finally deal with it head on. It'll be an adjustment for sure. But a welcome one."

"Well, you got all of us here with you to help. You just gotta ask," Abigail smiles warmly and Ada returns it. "I'm glad you and Dutch worked things out, too."

"Yeah," Ada laughs, "we're getting pretty good at arguing. I owe you one though, thanks for talking him round." Following Dutch's temper tantrum (a term Ada quickly learnt not to use in front of the man himself) Abigail was the first on her feet to scold him for being so dense. Somehow, Ada hadn't heard any of it in her haze, but there was quite the backlash thrown Dutch's way after he told her to leave. She smiles fondly, already using it against him to get her own way and it works like a charm every time.

"Don't mention it," Abigail squeezes Ada's arm slightly in reassurance.

"Anyway," Ada wiggles her brow, "I heard that a certain outlaw has been keeping closer than usual to you." By heard, she means that John Marston spilt out his feelings towards Abigail to Ada over a bottle of whiskey a few nights previous.

"Oh hush," she scoffs. "The man doesn't have a clue what he wants."

"You know, I think he does. He just doesn't know how to handle it - I reckon he's scared of messing it up... again."

"Perhaps," Abigail hums hesitantly. "Still doesn't mean he can act like an idiot."

"He will always be an idiot, but he does love you. I know he does, he's just a little slow. But you know that better than any of us."

"Yeah, he's only quick in the one place I don't want him to be."

The two break into a fit of laughter, trying to keep it hushed to not attract any attention. It doesn't work as hoped, and Dutch soon announces his arrival with the clearing of his throat.

"What do you want?" Ada teases when she meets his amused expression.

"I was hoping to steal you away for a moment."

She raises her eyebrows at Abigail, who mirrors her expression. "What d'you think?"

"I think," she snorts, "I'm not getting in the middle of whatever this is. I'm pretty sure I have a small boy to attend to, actually..." she trails off, standing to excuse herself with a mischievous look on her face.

"John or Jack?" Ada asks, and Abigail bats her hand in response with a smile. "How may I assist you, Mr Van der Linde?" she turns to him.

"I wanted to show you something," he says softly, gesturing to the tent and Ada follows him as he leads her there.

Ada enters, finding Hosea sitting on the cot as he peers at the papers sprawled out on Dutch's makeshift table. "Oh, hey Hosea," she greets and stands opposite him, glancing down at the papers. "What's all this for?"

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