Chapter 31

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"Arthur, come take a look at this!" Ada says as loud as she can while maintaining a hushed tone, despite their current robbery victims being out of their house, she's still nervous about making too much noise.

"What'cha found?" he enters the room, stuffing his satchel with a gold necklace.

She holds up the two gold bars and laughs shortly, in complete disbelief to have found something so valuable.

"Well shit..." Arthur takes one from her and turns it in his hand for a closer look. "I know they was rich, but this?"

She nods excitedly and stows the other in her satchel. "We best get a move on, don't want to push our luck."

"Yeah," he agrees and walks her out into the hallway of the large, posh house. "Williamson, we're leaving!"

Bill comes from one of the bedrooms, fumbling with a bottle of expensive brandy in his hands as he tries not to drop the two pocket watches he's found. Arthur snatches the bottle from him and stows it away. "Damn fool."

"Hey, that's mine!" he scoffs.

"You can have it back at camp! I'm not gonna stick around to help you clean it up if you smash it on the floor," Arthur bats the air and begins to make his way downstairs. Bill has no choice but to follow but makes sure to scowl at Ada as he passes, and she smirks while raising her arms to remind him it's nothing to do with her.

The three mount up on their horses outside and try to discretely make their way out of the property.

"I still don't see why you can't just ride your own horse," Bill grumbles as he side-eyes Ada riding behind Arthur on the back of Boadicea.

Her mouth opens to retort, but Arthur beats her to it. "And I don't see why you got to get involved in everyone's business."

"The two of you screwing or somethin'?"

"Me and Ada?" Arthur laughs. "Woman's made of stone, hasn't looked twice at anyone since she's been riding with us."

Bill huffs like he doesn't believe that for one minute. He's not exactly wrong, but she's glad to know she's not made her thoughts obvious to anyone. Except maybe Dutch.

"You're one to talk Mr Morgan," she changes the subject, "haven't seen you trying it on with anyone since I've been here."

"Oh no he won't," Bill chuckles, "not since Mary dumped him, he won't look at no one."

"Mary?" she teases, that's a name she's yet to hear in passing. "Who's Mary, Arthur?"

"Shut the hell up, both of you," he grunts and motions his horse to speed up as Bill and Ada share a laugh at his expense.

The dull pain in her chest following last night's revelations isn't eased thanks to Dutch's overwhelming praise for the three of them once they arrive back at camp.

"And nobody caught you! This has made my week," he beams, looking through all of the take. Ada shifts in her spot and scratches her neck, waiting to be released from the conversation so she can go and feel sorry for herself elsewhere. "Strauss!" he continues, "check on this gold for me."

"Of course, Dutch," Strauss jumps from his seat and takes the bars.

"Now I don't know about the rest of you," he takes out a cigar to light, "but I am in the mood to celebrate! Shall we head down to the saloon?"

"Sure," Arthur agrees happily, as does Bill.

"Well..." Ada starts when they look to her expectingly for a response, "I've got some things I need to -"

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