Chapter 4: Identites

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The guy I saw at my fathers crime scene was standing over me.
When I didn't answer his question, he sighed. "We'll go first. I'm Barry. The guy sitting next to you is Oliver. The one with Red hair is Caitlin, and The blonde one Felicity." he told me. "Mhm." A guy he didn't introduce me to said. "Oh and that's Cisco." He introduced. Then Cisco smiled. I didn't know what to focus on; the pain, or who these people were, and why I was here. Hmm so many options. "Can we have yours?" Barry asked. I still didn't reply. I don't know whether to trust them or not. "Okay here you go." Felicity said as she handed Oliver medical tools. "I need you to be still for this, so you don't bleed more." Oliver said. I decided to focus on something else. It wasn't a good something else though. My baby sister Judith won't get to grow up knowing either of her parents. She's only baby, maybe by the time she remembers stuff this will all be over.
Around 15 minutes later, Oliver said, "Done." As he stood up, I tried to sit up, but I was pulled down. "You still need to rest." Barry said. I didn't want to rest. I wanted everything back to normal- well as close to it as it was.
I woke up, but didn't move. I heard voices, so I decided to pretend to sleep. "We don't know anything about him is what your saying Barry." Oliver pointed out. "Well maybe he'll tell us stuff." Barry replied. "Hah, and if he doesn't tell us Oliver can get the information the usual way." Cisco joked. The room grew silent, until Cisco added, "Or not..." "How do we know we can trust him?" Oliver asked changing the subject. "He's a just a kid, maybe we should send him back to his family." Felicity suggested. I heard empty footsteps, and after a long period of silence, I slowly sat up. I looked around some more, and it was just me in the room. I slowly started to walk around, and looking at everything. I came up to a panel of buttons, and pressed the biggest one. After a few machine noises, there in front of me stood a giant glass case. Inside It seemed to hold a mix fabricated design of green, the shape of a hood. I stepped back in fascination, and continued looking around.
I then felt something cold and sharp against my neck. "Try anything and I slit your throat." The voice said. I raised my arms, and he roughly pulled them back and locked them in place with his. His right arm was holding the knife, and his left was around my waist so he could keep me from escaping. "State your name." He said seriously. His voice was deep enough to place him as a male. I didn't want to say anything, but he squeezed me harder. "Now!" He repeated as I heard footsteps enter the room. "C- Carl!" I squealed. "What's going on?" Oliver said. Thank-god.
"Found this one snooping around. Goes
By, Carl apparently." The guy holding me answered. "John, it's okay you can let him go." Oliver told him. John the sighed and let me go with a little shove. Then Oliver added, "So Carls your name." he smiled a bit. I nodded my head as Everyone else came in. "Oh Diggs I see you've met our mystery kid." Barry said, earning a glance from John, who I guess was "Diggs". "Not a mystery anymore, or at least his name is Carl." Oliver corrected. "Well I see your up and moving." Felicity said to me. I stood there, and we all just stared at each other. "Where's Cisco and Caitlin?" Oliver asked noticing they weren't here. "They had to get back to work at s.t.a.r labs with doctor Wells." Barry answered. They filled John in as I stood looking at the all the technology, and Felicity joined me. "What is this?" I whispered. "It's a computer, latest model." She replied. I stood there in awe, and received a weird look from Felicity. "You look like you've never seen one before." She laughed a little. "Just not in a very long time. Around five years actually." I stated. "What is your story mr. haven't seen a computer in five years?" She said sarcastically. "You wouldn't believe me if I told." I sighed. I looked back over at Oliver and Barry, who waved goodbye to John.
As Oliver checked Carls stitches, i noticed something. He had a scar above it. "Was that a bullet wound?" I pointed. He nodded his head in return. "How old are you?" Oliver asked the next question. "Around 15." he said. Around? He doesn't remember how old he is? "Your only 15 and you've been Shot and stabbed?" Felicity pointed out. "I was ten when I was shot." Lots of things ran across my mind. This kids been through a lot. What's his life story? "Why were you at the crime Scene earlier?" I blurted out. I've been curious, the whole reason I found him anyways. He looked down a little, and sighed. "You know the victim?" He asked me. "Yeah? What about him?" I asked curiously. He looked at me, and told me, "That was my dad."

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