Chapter 10: The storm

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"Yeah I'll talk to you later." I said before hanging up on Felicity. "Guys.." Cisco said joining Caitlin and I. "What's up?" Caitlin asked. "I didn't think it was important, but I keep having a dream. It's that..Doctor Wells is the reverse flash and kills me." He answered. "That's impossible, he's in a wheel chair." Caitlin said. "Yeah your right... Pretend like I never said anything." "Cisco-" I began but he interrupted. "Never mind that. But Barry do you feel like helping society?" "Uh sure what do I need to do?" I asked. "There was a huge storm in the middle of the night and they could use some help cleaning up, and you'd get it done a lot faster... You know what I mean!" He smiled. I changed into my suit a second later, and asked, "Where do I start?" "You can start in the Forest near Cedar street, nobody's gone there yet." And before anyone said anything else, I was in the forest.
"Wake up!" I heard a voice say. I open my eyes to see Bernice standing over me."There was a huge storm last night while we were sleeping." She sighed. I then noticed her clothes were soaked. I then felt something very heavy on me. I looked down and across my upper half of my body, was a smaller, short tree. I tried to move, but I didn't get very far. "I tried to move it, but it's too heavy. Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded my head yes, but lied. I just didn't want her to worry, but I was having a hard time doing so, because I felt myself start to panic, because the only thing I could move was my arms and my feet. "Hey it's okay, I'll get some help." But the only way she could do that, was to leave me. I shook my head to represent "No don't leave me" because I definitely didn't want to be alone. Then we felt a gush of wind, and started to see other trees that had fallen over disappear in seconds. "What's happening?" Bernice panicked. I just smiled, because I knew everything would be okay. "Why are you smiling?" Bernice asked. It's not like I was gonna answer her, and she knew that.
The next thing we knew, the flash stood in front of us. "What are you kids doing out here?" His fake voice asked. "We were- uh we were sleeping when the storm hit, and a tree fell on my friend here." She stuttered not knowing what she was seeing. I saw Barry look down, and he showed a slight smile. "Is this funny to you?" Bernice asked. The next thing I knew I didn't feel weighted down anymore, because the tree was no longer on top of me. "It's good to see you Carl. We think you could be dead, but your sneaking around with a girl in the woods." He laughed. "Wait Carl you know this- thing?" Bernice asked. I nodded my head. "Why are you two out here anyway?" It's a very long story." Bernice said. "Carl you don't look to good." He began. "Also is this girl trustable?" I nodded my head. The next thing I knew they were both gone, then 5 seconds later, I was at S.T.A.R labs.
I groaned as he placed me on my feet, and I fell down to the ground. "It's mystery boy!" Cisco yelled. "And who's the girl?" Caitlin asked. Barry shrugged his shoulders, and was now in his normal clothes. "What's wrong with Carl?" Caitlin asked. Barry then answered, "I don't know, I found these two in the woods." "Can you tell us your long story- what's your name?" Barry asked. "I'm Bernice, and I think we should help Carl first." She insisted.
"What do we have?" I heard someone say. I looked around, and I was on a bed in the E.R with nurses and doctors around me, Barry and Bernice were also there. "I don't know everything exactly." Bernice said. "I do know he can't talk with out it not sounding right." She added. "Can you open your mouth?" The doctor asked flashing a flash light in my face. "N-no." I stuttered. "Please you have to we want to help you." The doctor said.
I recognized her, it was the doctor who I had saw the other day. I pushed her away, and looked over at Bernice. She just nodded her head. Then I remember seeing the bright yellow light from the flashlight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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