Chapter 6: Thanks for not staying

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Carls POV
"So that's our argument. We've been family friends for a while remember. So what do you think Mr.Queen?" The doctor lady asked Oliver in the exam room. She had already did what she could for my arm, and now is insisting a check up. I can't remember the last time I had one, and I didn't want it to be today. I shook my head no as we saw him thinking, when he finally answered, "Go ahead, what you think is best." he replied. He and Barry, then left the room. I rolled my eyes as she got this weird blue thing, with like a pump on it. She put it around my arm, so I asked, "What is that?" She looked at me like she thought I was kidding, but then realized I wasn't. "It's how I take you blood pressure." She said taking off. "Right.." I whispered as she scribbled something on her clipboard. "When was your last doctors appointment?" She asked. Is this a trick question? "Only like... 5 years." I whispered. She dropped her pen when I spoke the words. She casually picked it up, and the put it down with the clipboard on her smoothed out wooden desk. She then asked for my hand, and she put her thumb on my wrist, and looked at her watch, then wrote something down. "What did you just do?" I asked curiously. "I took your pulse." She chuckled a little and then tried to hide it with a serious look. "I thought you used that -scope thing?" I asked. "Well we don't use a stethoscope, unless we need too." She answered. She then checked my eyes, ears, and throat. "Okay now take your shirt off." she said. "What?" I asked. "You heard me, take your shirt off." She said again. "I rather not." I answered. I can't explain everything to everyone! "It's your shirt or your pants, you choose." She demanded. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." I whispered pulling my shirt over my head, and sat it down next to me. "Why would you warn-?" She stopped in mid sentence coming up to me. Her attention first came to the bandage over my stab wound. She slowly pealed it off and was looking at the stitches. Then she looked at the scar from my gunshot, and then the other scars on my back and chest from just the woods and stuff. "How could you have not been to the doctors in 5 years with all these wounds?" She asked curiously looking still. "Um well, I had some help from people." I replied trying to be as honest as possible. "And who did the stitches?" She asked next. "Oliver.." I said with a quilt look on my face. She wrote more stuff down on her clipboard. "Your free to go." She said and then rushed out of the room. "I know I'm different but I didn't think i was scary different." I whispered putting on my shirt.
I walked down the long hallways of the hospital, until I came to the waiting room. I saw Barry and Oliver say my name, so I hid behind the wall and was ease dropping. "He was talking about dead things killing people barry." Oliver explained. "Yeah I know I was with you." he replied. "And he's killed people before. How do we know we can trust him?" Oliver asked. "I don't know, he already knows my secret." Barry replied. "Is it going to be a problem?" Oliver asked. I didn't know I might be a problem. I then decided i didn't want to be a problem anymore, so I walked back down the hallway, and found the exit. They don't have to worry anymore.
"Is it going to be a problem?" Oliver asked me. "I don't think so. I think he's trust able." i reassured him. "Okay it's settled then. Let's go get him." Oliver and I agreed. We walked back to the exam room, but nobody was in it. We went to the front desk and asked about Carl, but they said that the doctor let him go and that he was supposed to find us. "That's not good." Oliver whispered to me. "I know!" I told him. I mean, where could he be?

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