Chapter 5: Life before

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"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Barry apologized. "Well what about your other family, like where's your mom?" Oliver asked. They just keep going on a role of wrong questions. I don't want to tell them I killed her, or they'll think I'm crazy. "She, Uh died while giving birth to my sister." I sighed. That created a giant awkward silence. "Where did you come from?" Felicity asked a question now. "I'm not entirely sure..." I replied." Barry asked the question he was probably really curious about, "Why were you with the guys in the wear house?" I replied quickly, "One of them killed my father. So I followed him for... revenge." They might have thought it was to quick. Wait, how did Barry know I was at the wear house? The last thing I remember was the guy it the red suit. "It's my turn to ask the questions. Who was the guy who helped me?" I asked. Barry gave Felicity and Oliver a weird look. "Can we trust him?" Barry asked. "That's a question for Carl." Oliver replied. I nodded my head. "It was the flash." Barry said quickly. "Who?" I asked. The flash sounded like something out of a comic book. "You've never heard of the flash? He has the tendency to save the day." Felicity explained. "Let's just say I'm not exactly from around here.." was all i said. "Why were you shot when you were ten?" Popped into the air by Barry. I need to choose the right words. I can't exactly say that I'm from a place where the dead walks around eating everyone. "Hunting accident."
"Where's your sister?" Felicity asked. I should've thought before I said, "Back with my group." My shoulders sunk in as soon as I realized I said it. I've said too much. "Your group?" They all asked at the same time. I stayed silent, while I thought of what to say. "Just... a bunch of people I hang out with." I replied trying to cover it up. They bought it luckily. "Oh." They sighed. Felicity turned back to her computer, and Oliver was washing stuff. I then felt around my waste. "So I'm just a normal... lost boy." I said. I jumped down off the table, using it to catch my self.
All the sudden Barry's phone rang. "It's Dr.Wells." He said. I shouldn't ask questions, it might make them ask me more. "I gotta go. Can you stay here with him?" He said to Oliver. "Uh if I want to stay with all the money I have I actually have to work." He replied. I don't need to be baby sat. "I can stay with him." Felicity offered. Then Barry and Oliver both left.
"What do you do for fun?" Felicity asked me. I need an actual answer, I can't really say shoot walkers. "Umm... I don't do a lot." I hesitated. Her face dropped a little. I felt bad that she was stuck here, with the weird mystery boy.
"So your saying that this guy kidnaps children and then turns them into statues with a stone gun?" I asked as They filled me in. "I call him, Stone shot!" Cisco corrected me. "Yes, and then he sells them for money as "works of art" We don't know what else goes on, this guys a sicko, so who knows what to expect." Dr.Wells informed me. "If that's not sick I don't know what is." Caitlin sighed. She was right. "Well how does he take the kids?" I asked needing to know more. Dr.Wells wheeled himself over to the computer, and said "Its says that kids left alone in the city park, have been the victims so far." "How do we catch him?" Was my next question. "Well we can't exactly go to the park and stare at random kids all day waiting for them to be taken." Cisco said sarcastically. That's when a thought approached my mind. "What if we knew the kid?" I suggested. "You know a kid who wants to be kidnaped?" Dr.Wells asked wheeling over to me. It must really suck to be in a wheel chair all the time. People say he deserves it, but I'm not one of them.
"Why did you want me to rush him over here so fast?" Felicity said as she and Carl walked into the Lab. "We need to ask Carl a big favor." I told her. "So this is the mysterious Carl." Dr.Wells said. Carl didn't say anything, he just waved slightly.
"So, then we track him down and maybe save others that need saving." I finished explaining to Carl. "So you want me to be the bait?" He asked. "I guess if you put it like that." I replied. "Not like I have anything better to do." he answered. As we propped him and told him his directions, he seemed perfectly fine with it. I had explained to everyone at S.T.A.R Labs Carls story. "So, why would lab workers want to catch this person?" Carl asked the question we hoped he wouldn't ask. Do I trust him with my secret? Its as easy as, "I'm the flash" but I don't know how to explain. "He's going to find out sooner or later." Felicity pointed out. She was right so I decided to tell him. "I'm the Flash. A year ago the Particle Excelerator that doctor Wells was building exploded and caused lighting that struck me and gave me super speed and now I help the keep the world safer." I blurted out. I wonder what he was thinking, only if the lighting let me read minds. "That explains a lot." Carl said. I didn't expect him to say that.
"Are you going to able to do this with those stitches?" Felicity asked Carl. "I'll be fine, I've been through a lot worse then this." He claimed. I told him my secret, maybe he'll tell me some of his.
So the next morning, they dropped me off at a park. I went over to an empty bench, and took a seat. Barry's the flash. Wow, I wasn't rely expecting that. The green suit I found in the lab at Oliver's, who did that belong to? Maybe Oliver's some type of super human too.
After a half hour, I saw a guy approaching me from the woods. I stayed calm, I mean it's not like he's a flesh eating monster. He came over and causally sat next to me. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood over his head.
"Hell there." he said. "Hi." I said calmly. "Are your parents coming back soon? I've seen you've been alone for awhile." He asked. Crap, we never went over the parents part, so I decided to wing it. "No my.. mom and dad are working and I'm usually home alone all day." my lies flowed out of my mouth like water down a river. "Oh well it's no fun to be alone. You know I have a kid about your age and he's probably as board as you are. Do you want to come hang out with him?" He asked. That's how he got the kids. Luckily I look younger then I really am, so it's all good. "Sure." I agreed. I followed him to a van, and I looked around for the street camera that Barry was watching me with. I finally spotted it, on a telephone pole near by. That's how they were going to watch me, the cameras all over the city. I got into the passenger seat, and buckled the seat belt. It's been a while sense I've been in a van. I then looked over at the guy, and he took his hood off. He had short Blonde hair, with a giant scar below if left eye. His hand was in his pocket, and he took it out, and pointed the gun at me. "You scream I'll kill you." he told me. I nodded my head that I under stood him.
"What's he doing?" Barry asked as they watched the van. "He has a gun." Dr.Wells squinted at the screen. "Great a weapon already." Barry sighed. At the van, the reached a building. The Stone shot went to the passenger side, and opened the door. He pulled Carl out and he fell to the ground. He grunted a little pain, and Stone shot yelled, "Get up!" And pointed the gun at Carl. They went into the building, and then people at star labs lost visual, But what Carl didn't realize, is that Cisco put a wire in Carls shirt while he was sleeping, which they could hear everything. Once They got into the building, Stone shot told Carl to stand against the wall. "What's your name?" Stone wall demanded to know. "Carl." Carl whispered. "I couldn't hear you!" Stone wall said before he punch Carl across the face. "Carl!" Carl spit out louder. "Your different then the others. The others usually cry or shake or sometimes even faint, but your not doing any of those things." Stone shot pointed out. "So let's see, before I kill you, I like to get to know my victims." Stone wall said as he tied Carl to a chair. "So tell me something about you." He added. "Why should I?" Carl snapped. "Let me repeat that." Stone wall began and then grabbed a knife from his pocket, and dragged it up Carls leg. Carl still didn't say anything, so he brought it to his face, Nd started digging it in slowly. "Fine! What do you want to know?" Carl yelled In pain. "We have to help him!" Barry said to dr.Wells. "No, not yet." Dr.Wells told him.
"Where are you from?" He began with the weird questions. "Georgia." Carl replied. "Okay, why are you all the way over here?" He asked next. Carl was hesitant to answer, so Stone shot took the knife slashed his arm. "Answer me!" Stone shot yelled. "I don't know." Carl said, but he didn't lie very well. "I wanted your statue to be perfect, but when you lie.." He said and took the knife and stabbed it into he elbow, and Carl cried out in pain. "Dr.wells..." Caitlin said. But he just held up his pointer finger. "I was with my dad in the woods gathering supplies when we were struck by lighting!" Carl cried out. "He was struck by lighting too?" Barry thought to himself. "And you came here why?" Stone Shot asked. "We woke up and we were here." Carl voluntarily said. "Why were you gathering supplies in the woods?" Stone Shot asked. Carl didn't answer, so he turned the knife which was still in his elbow. Carl grunted in pain, and answered, "We needed fire wood for our group! So we could stay warm!" "Why would you need to stay warm? Turn on the heat!" Stone Shot laughed. "Because we were in the woods, trying to protect our selves!" Carl said. Stone Shot then asked, "Why did you need to protect yourselves?" "From-" Carl stopped talking. Stonewall then, forcefully ripped the knife out of His elbow. "From the walkers!" Carl screamed. "What the hell is a walker?" Laughed Stone shot. "Do you hear this conversation?" Cisco asked but nobody replied.
"Its, the dead. They rise from the dead and try to eat you." Carl told him. Stone Shot laughed. "Well I picked a crazy one! What are your parents names?" He asked. "My moms name was Lori Grimes. My dad was Rick grimes." Carl answered. "What do you mean was?! You told me they were at work! What happened to your mother! The truth Carl!" He screamed at Carl. Carl was now crying tears, just thinking of his parents. He didn't want to answer, but Stone Shot pressed his finger into Carls wound. Carl tried to make through the torture, but more of the truth came out. "She was giving birth to my sister and-" he stopped talking. "And what!" Stone Shot pressed down harder, making it impossible for Carl to not break. "She was dying already and she didn't want to turn into a walker so I shot her! I killed her I killed my mom!" Carl screamed. The truth was now out, and everyone heard. "finally we get some truth out of you!" Stone Shot said. Carl then squirmed his hands around, and realized he could break his hands free. "And now you can become a piece of art! A clean piece of art!" Stone Shot finished. "Go now Barry!" Dr.Wells finally said. Barry ran there, but he was slower because he was thinking. "His big secret was he killed his mom and the dead rising?" He thought. The flash finally arrived, but nobody noticed, because Stone shot grabbed his gun, and when he did, Carl broke his hands free and grabbed his own gun from its holder. Stone Shot had gone 15ft to get his gun, and he saw Carl, and went to shoot his gun, but Carl pulled his trigger first, and he fell to the ground as the bullet hit his head. Barry stood there trying to process everything, but snapped out. "So your pretty good with guns too." Barry pointed out After seeing the shot. Carl let out a sigh of relief, but he felt broken.

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