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The supreme leader Kylo Ren had sent an order to Coruscant demanding a bride.

It was a political move, they all knew he wasn't the precursor behind this message, it was simply to secure an alliance and have something to show to prove that bond. The order came with a list and a date.

It wasn't necessary to use threats needlessly, they knew that if it wasn't done by then, it would be war, it would be destruction, it would be the end of Coruscant.

Simple, that's how it sounded. Simple to all who weren't involved in the decision. Simple to simply give whichever girl he wanted without a second glance, just as it went with trading stock, meat and currency.

The head-nun of the Jediisme temple had selected five girls based on the few criteria the First Order had issued. They must be force sensitive in order to ensure a strong heir but untrained in fighting, well-behaved and silent, able to read and count as should a leader, decent looking enough to be a symbol of peace. But above all, stood the last command that came as a shock to the council, the girl must be untouched, pure and innocent. A virgin.

Considering the vow of celibacy the priestesses took as they entered the temple, it was no hard task, most of the girls had never been with a man or alone with one for other purposes than their religious duties.

Coruscant's desire to align themselves with the growing force of the First Order's new empire overthrew any sense of moral. This trade offered security and the prospects of a stable economy for the booming planet in exchange for a human priestess bound to serve the supreme leader for as long as he lived, which considering the previous ones, would be either quite long or extremely short.

The head-nun chose five of her best. It was hard to let go of the girls she considered as her own, but the duty towards the people was greater than this weak attachment she had felt. In the end, the council picked their favorite, one who respected all the demands.

It was almost up to luck, it could've been any of the others. In the end, it was chance alone, a pull of the force perhaps, a vision seen in a prayer, a cruel punishment meant to cast her far away, she did not know.

Under a week's time, they prepared her the best they could, teaching her how to be a good wife, how to understand commands issued by stormtroopers, showing her how to please a husband, repeating over and over that she must obey.

She understood, of course, the weight that she carried, alone, and for everyone. The temple she'd grown up in held no ceremony for her departure. A ship came on the date indicated, a long case of black metal called the Night Buzzard. It landed at the base of the temple's steps, waiting.

The girl walked down, her face hidden under layers of fabric, accompanied by her handmaiden, loaded into the ship as cargo was being transported. The council had provided her with a gown, along with a few other belongings she could need that the simplistic lifestyle of a priestess didn't procure.

There were no words for what she was supposed to be. Encircled by guards in helmets that weren't meant for her protection, there was nothing to protect her against. Rather she felt as if they were there to avoid her escape, or worse, to ensure that she didn't try to take her own life.

Kylo Ren was known across the galaxy. Although she'd never seen him, she knew he was feared, reckless, and cruel. He seemed as though he did not even wish for a bride. There were no letters, no communications attempts made on his part, no gifts, not even the slightest attempt at trying to reach her prior to the ceremony. It made everything feel cold and lonesome.

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