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The red lights blared harder in the hallway when the supreme leader dragged her out by the arm, the man on the speaker was yelling code names and numbers she was not familiar with. Ushar had been staying by the door the entire time, his war club out and hanging between his hands, dragging slightly on the ground between his feet. Shortly after, another one of the knights arrived, the one from the interrogation room, he recognized him instantly, her body tensing at the imaginary sensation of the electrostaff. She recoiled away from him, trying to stand behind the supreme leader who was still gripping her arm as if he had ever given a sign that he'd protect her against one of his own, a small detail she momentarily chose to forget.

He gave a brief report on the situation in terms that meant little to her, saying they're coming , and a ship tried to land on the roof. Stormtroopers rushed in identical rows past them, followed by more of the knights that came to hear their master's orders.

She didn't get the luxury of time to comprehend what was going on or to ask what was expected of her in that situation, still preoccupied with the uncomfortable wetness running down her thighs. It was hard to walk properly, the ache between her legs still reminiscing of his fingers toying with her body.

He shoved her towards Ushar who did not bother to catch her as she bumped into him, raising his club on his shoulder, the strange spiked bat glowing red at the tip.

"Take her back to my quarters, lock her inside."

Her husband walked away with long strides. She heard him say something about killing all except one before he was too out of reach to eavesdrop, the knights taking out their weapons.

Ushar did not waste any time. He looked down at her, debating if he was going to drag her all the way down the other end of the ship but decided against touching her, simply nodding his head towards a path.

She had never seen so many people moving in the Finalizer, all stations rushing towards their posts, carrying weapons of various kinds. She stayed close to her guard, walking with her arms crossed around her body as if shielding her from the chaos that unfolded. Her ears were hurting by the sirens and the flickering red lights started to get repetitively annoying to her eyes. At the distance, she heard someone scream and the hurried sound of footsteps running away. Entire metal panels were destroyed, cables laid cut and sparking on the ground, ripped from the wall. Blasters went off, and she feared the soldiers were shooting at each other, having yet to encounter a single enemy.

They made their way back, avoiding the crowded areas of the ship and staying close to the wall. She saw a woman in a prisoner jumpsuit jump out from an air vent with a small pistol and rage lining her features. Before the intruder had the time to pull on the trigger or aim correctly, Ushar brought the club down on her raised arm, breaking it instantly. She dropped the pistol, holding her bleeding injured arm close to her chest, bent at an odd angle at the elbow. He swung his bat a second time, hitting her in the temple with a wet thud that sent her crashing to the site, her eyes rolled back and an eye almost popping from the socket. Without saying a word, he kept walking forward. She circled around the body, trying to avoid looking at the lifeless corpse with open wide eyes. Why had she done such a rash thing? Trying to take on a knight by herself was an impossible task to accomplish without preparation or the proper support. The ship rocked again, explosions and fire sound resonated from outside the metallic walls, insinuating a space battle and firing canons. She kept bumping into the wall as the floor vibrated, shaking hands trying to get a hold of something solid to keep her footing.

Another man came out running, dressed in orange and followed by a repurposed droid. He took his blaster out and started firing at the knight without any hesitation, screaming as he got closer to them. Ushar took her hand and shoved her towards an empty hall, covering her with his body as he tried to clear her from the shooting range. She got the cue and started running the opposite way, distancing herself from the noise of guns. This was a confusing part of the ship, and it was not like they had maps laying around telling you where to go, she ran based on instinct, trying to find something recognizable in the rows of identical dark grey walls.

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