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Soft epilogues are for those who have not suffered enough
Chapter Text
Here I hope to answer some questions that may be lingering as well as give my thanks to a few special people, and expand on some thoughts on the story. Feel free to ask more if stuff has not been answered.

-Why did it have to end that way?

I am truly sorry to those who wanted to see a rebellion or for the mc to kill Kylo, escape, or get revenge. I felt like death was the only solution and would prove to be satisfactory enough for the narrative. As we know, this sequence would be followed by Kylo arriving on Exegol with his gun, fighting the knights, and then saving his boo before dusting. I have done alternative endings for fics before, but this one will be exempt from that treatment. Accept the ending, no one deserves to be happy.

-Why is Kylo so mean?

Fair point. Because I wanted to write him as being meaner than the canon, toxic relationships are interesting and the dynamic his character offers gives the perfect premise to make him a truly violent lover. Based on the canons, I don't think he's actually this dark, he's like a big soft puppy.

-Do I hate Kylo to portray him in such a horrible manner?

No. I think he's pretty hot and has a nice backstory. Although I like him more in my head than what the canon offers. Let's stay I'll stick with the Kylo arc, and not the Ben one.

-Has there been any narrative / structural changes made during writing?

A lot actually. Starting, this was supposed to lay more on the side of abuse that would dive deep into the Stockholm syndrome, keeping her as a captive and a prisoner rather than a wife. But it had changed when I wanted to include some soft Kylo moments to the story and make it slightly different from what I've seen on AO3 this far. There were a lot of things I had plans of doing that I had to take out in order for it to make sense (most of them are horrible things) that I'm keeping for later. For example, I had considered her getting pregnant, filled with joy and all, and miscarry for very obvious reasons (Kylo might've slipped the Plan B in her drink lol), and get her punished for it or having that chapter focus on her fear of what would happen now that she lost his child. I don't like kids, I don't know if that was clear enough. No kids for no one.

-Why are the chapters all P words?

It started with the title of the fic, I like themes and recurrent words of phrasing, so having P names was a way to keep this sense of unity. She also says please a lot, and is a priestess (with a pussy) how fitting. There could've been a deeper reason but it's really cause it's satisfying to look at. Or for Palpatine >:)

-Does the mc have a name / a physical appearance?

I call her Mercy with friends instead of saying y/n or reader, it became her unofficial name. In way of appearance, everyone pictures her differently and I'd be interested in knowing what y'all imagined as well. I like the contrast in couples, so I imagined her as having pale blond hair and tanned skin that would contrast with his. Just for the sake of having opposites.

-Why was this written?

To take the daydream out of my head. I'm back in my star wars phase after years, so come benefit from it for free now while it's lasting. The second main reason was because I'm writing my own Star Wars movie that would insert between the 6 and the 7, for no other purpose than because I can and no one can stop the word documents on my computer. It has no link to this whatsoever, the vibe is completely different and has a whole cast of new characters. This was meant as a practice to writing Kylo and to experiment with the universe and its many rules. I wanted to see how it would feel to write Kylo and his emotions, also to see how readers react to some events and how the people who liked him feel at the end.

-Will there be another Kylo fic?

Yes! I'm currently planning on doing another with a similar vibe of I don't wanna be there but this is better than the alternative with a new plot and new relationships, and more actual smut (and perhaps a nicer Kylo [without going into fluff of course]). It's rummaging in my brain, I have some things planned that I have to put in order, I'd like to hear from the critics and take some suggestions as well. Stay tuned.


Numa is based on a kid refugee in Clone Wars.

-What do you do now?

If you haven't read these already, I highly recommend them, they have similar vibes to mine and will fill the void. Mercurial by kylosbrickhousebody and The emperor, the hound, the whore by Alexia_Imriel_courcel. I haven't read that many either, I also like Shameful by adamdrivein2me, which is happier and also a modern AU. Tell them I said hi.

Eternal gratitude extended to:

I'll never be thankful enough to the two bitches (who wants me to correct that to queen) that helped me throughout the writing and have commented on it every time on a shitty buggy google doc.

To Nats, toike chief editor who helped with her sarcastic commentary and general strive towards engineering as well as her input and dislike of Kylo. As my best friend, she's forced to do this, that's the price of my friendship, but hey you get content before anyone else and I know your mommy kink activates when you give praise :)

And to Dø who has served as a stand-in for the oc, has made a list of chapters and a decent timeline with me while watching the Witcher after eating some spicy food, and has answered all my questions even if she's a Han solo stan (a loss truly) sprinkled with her dislike for most of the tags of this fic. She's gonna have to pause on the medicine to work with me on the next one. I know you're starting to like the dirty don't lie.

To Tamino for having great music, Mitski for being an icon, and Hozier for getting the perfect amount of religious horny guilt. And Adam Driver, a rudely large man.

Thanks to the people who commented along the way as well, it means a lot lot lot, I now get really excited when I get an AO3 notification. I never understood when authors asked to comment but now I fucked get it it's amazing. Getting the feedback towards the twisted large boi helped to guide my writing and did give me a good idea of how people can come to change their perception of a character they liked. Cheers to those who analyzed fragments and requoted stuff, truly made me feel special, and to those who guessed the ending. Bravo!

I know have your usernames memorized along with the profile pics and if I don't see yall on the next one I'll come pick you up.

Ad astra, per aspera


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