Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:

Today was the first day of school.

I wasn't really excited about it, 'cause I think school is boring and just wasting my time......... Wait- what? I don't even have special time, hahaha I'm so stupid.


I woke up at 6:00 am, I showered and then wore my new school uniform that made me look pretty cute, then finally started to fix my hair.

I let my hair down cuz I was comfortable with that.

When I was done getting ready, it was already 7:40 am.

'Does time always fly like this when I need it.'

I went downstairs and sat at the breakfast table, I took one bite of my bread, and two sips of my orange juice that I liked so much, then looked at the clock.

IT FCKING WAS 7:55!! And I'm supposed to be there at 8:00.

I put the piece of bread in my mouth (like every other anime girl🙄😏), then got out of the house locking the door before I start walking away (and of course I didn't forget my bag).

I was walking not very fast but not too slow.

I watched people going here and there, and people like me from different middle schools.

I took out my phone and turned it on, I started reading some episodes of my favorite novel.


Soon, I arrived to the school gate, there was lot of people talking and screaming.

Oh my god I really hate this feeling, I feel like my ears are about to explode!!!

I entered through the giant school gate and headed to the class that was written in the paper that school gave me.

I found my class and sat down on a desk next to the window, I liked to look at the sky when being bored.

The class wasn't full of students yet, it was just me, two girls and a boy.

There wasn't anything to do so I just took out my phone and continued reading my novel.

2 minutes later, girls and boys were starting to enter the class.

Ughh.... They're so louud, I can't read anymore.

I put my phone on my pocket and rested my head on the table closing my eyes.

Then the teacher came and finally the students shut up.

He introduced himself, and asked everyone to do the same.

-'My name is youko, I'm 14 years old, I hope we all get along'

-'My name is yuri, I'm 15 years old, I can't wait to make friends with you'



After few minutes it was my time to introduce myself. F*ck I hate this.

-"My name's Y/N, I'm 14 years old, I hope we can all be friends" I said and sat down again.



Vote if u likee~

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