chapter 7

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You were lying down on your bed thinking about all the drama that happened this day and how you felt ashamed of yourself. You never let yourself do anything reckless like that before so why did you interfere this time?

"Huahh.. I don't know what's happening to me.."

You stared at the ceiling while zoning out but your train of thoughts was interrupted by the sudden doorbell.

You got up from your bed and walked to your front door Wondering who's at the door at this hour.

You took a look from the tiny hole in the door to see who's there only to step back and try to calm your racing heart after seeing whoever was standing outside your house.

'why is he here?! No what does he want from me?!!' you thought before walking away from the door and turning the lights off to give off the idea that you weren't home.

On the way to the living room you hit your foot with with the table Giving a loud thud.

You wheezed in silence wishing that he didn't hear anything and for him to just leave.


The few moments of silence was interrupted by the visitor.

"..Y/n? Is everything okay ? You know I can hear you there, just open the door."

You wanted to die right there and then but instead you walked towards the door while cursing the table in your Head.

You opened the door to reveal... IZANA.


You stood there not knowing what to say or do.

"H hey, sorry I was sleeping so I didn't hear the doorbell haha.." you said awkwardly with a fake smile.

"It's okay." He said before speaking again:

"You're probably wondering why I'm at your door, aren't you."

"indeed" you admitted.

"I missed you y/n" he said while looking straight at you as if waiting for something in return.

"Sorry what?" You wanted to make sure you heard him right because who says this kind of stuff casually.

"I said I miss you y/n, don't make me repeat myself"

'Shit' you cursed as you remembered who you were dealing with.

"Why.." he started and walked closer to you slightly pushing the door to open wider.

Your heart started beating fast and your mind was filled with negative thoughts but you brushed them off and put your hand on the side of the door to stop him from opening it any more.

His left eyebrow raised and his lip forming a smirk.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone when I called you?" He asked and stepped closer but this time he used more force to open the door.

You stepped back no longer willing to fake strength, your mind screaming for you to run.

"Why didn't you reply to my texts.." he now stepped inside the house before locking the door.

"W-what are you doing..?!" You gathered the courage to ask this question but he totally ignored it.

"You didn't answer me. Why are you avoiding me? Do you hate me?!.. are you scared of me?" He stopped and looked at his hands but then he shook his head.
You were confused of his action but it was soon brushed by fear the moment he raised his head at you, a glare sent towards you.

"I see, you like it the hard way." He wispered enough for you to hear it.

Your heart was now racing uncontrollably, you even thought You're gonna have a heart attack.

"H-hey I think there's a misunderstanding" you took a breath and continued speaking "I..I wasn't trying to avoid you, it's just that I didn't have the time to check y-your messages." You finished seeming out of breath, you looked at him waiting for him to say something but he just stood there for a few seconds.

"So that's what it is.. I must've been overthinking." He said but it sounded like he was talking to himself.

Your heartbeats seemed to go back to normal as a sigh of relief was released.

"But how will I know if you're telling the truth or lying?" He questioned clearly not satisfied with your excuse.

"H-huh? But.. but I'm telling the truth I swear!" you weren't lying. you didn't get the chance to check all the messages except for your grandma's plus the fact that you completely forgot about them.

" know what.. I forgive you. But promise me you'll never do it again." He said and walked to the living room, he then sat in the sofa and looked back at you as if waiting for you to say something.

You stared at him confused but soon realized what he's waiting for
"I promise you!"

"Good." He said then patted the empty space of the sofa as a way of telling you to sit beside him.

You were quick to understand what he meant and sped-walked to the where he was sitting and sat next to him.


A/n:..this mf is bipolar


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