Chapter 2

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Y/n POV:

After we introduced ourselves, the teacher let us do whatever we wanted to do, he said he'll let us this time because it's our first day, so he showed us his kind face.

It was loud in the class, everyone was talking, so I decided to leave the class and go somewhere else that is just quiet.

I walked to the rooftop, there was a sign that students are not allowed to go there. But my dumbA$$! Told me to go.

I walked through the door as the cold wind softly hit my skin.

But it wasn't just me who was there.
There was a boy, sitting on the edge of the wall. He seemed like he haven't noticed my existence yet.

I took a few steps forward.
Ok let's be honest he looks so hot with his hair flying in the air.
"Umm... Hi?" I said nervously.
He didn't say anything.
'fuck did he ignore me or did he not hear me?'
I slowly walked to him........and he was sleeping.
'this is embarrassing'

He had long black hair flying in the air due to the wind.

I slowly moved my fingers to his cheek 'his skin is soft'

I started rubbing his cheek without noticing a pair of yellow eyes staring at me.

I quickly removed my hand from his face feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Hm? Why did you stop?" The black haired boy said.

"Uhh.. sorry I gotta go, bye!" I said and ran back to the stairs.

??? POV

I woke up to the feeling of soft fingers touching my cheek.
I slowly opened my eyes to see a beautiful (s/c) girl, Her (e/c) shiney eyes making mine lost due to the magic she holds in her eyes, her soft (h/l) (h/c) hair flying in the air.

I saw her eyes widen when she meets mine staring at her.

She stoped rubbing my cheek which made me miss her warm touch.

"Hm? Why did you stop?"I said.

"Uhh.. sorry I gotta go, bye!" She said and rushed to the exit door before I could even say anything.

"I need


     I WILL have her"



ote if u likee~

𝙔𝘼𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝗧𝗢𝗞𝗬𝗢 𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗘𝗥𝗦 ᵛᵃʳⁱᵒᵘˢX 𝙁!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥 Where stories live. Discover now