Chapter 3

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"Sam, you're Meg's friend. Tell me something about her honestly" said Chad.

"Sure. I'll try" said Sam.

"Is she as wonderful as I think she is?" said Chad.

"I'd say so. She's a surgeon at this age" said Sam.

"My goodness! She should know I was a medical student before I started performing with Jeremy" said Chad.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Every record our fans buy brings me another notch closer to becoming a brain surgeon" Chad explained.

Sam hated mentioning surgery on this day. But she didn't want to cause trouble either.

"You ARE perfect for Meg" she said.

J. Pat O'Malley then entered the dormitory.

"Ah! Sam, me dear. So nice to have you back" he said.

"Hi, Pat. It's nice to be here" said Sam.

"Tim still at that party?" said Chad.

"Yes. And Digby is still in London. An accident forced his sister into quarantine" said Pat.

Sam choked on her tea as he said that.

"Sam? What's the matter? You're choking" said Chad.

"Pat... is this quarantine in the hospital?" said Sam.

"Of course, of course. As all quarantines are" said Pat.

Sam fled the dormitory in fear and locked herself in her own.

"What's wrong with her?" said Pat.

Chad scratched his head. "I don't know. She was like this since she arrived but she never said why" he said.

"Judging by what just happened, it must have something to do with hospital" said Pat.

"But what? She never said anything about being in hospital" said Chad.

"I don't know" said Pat.

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