Chapter 11

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"Does your heart work better after a year?" said Sam to Murray.

"I think so. The new valve works a lot better and I'm breathing normal" said Murray.

"I'm glad. I once heard that sometimes it didn't work out in the past for some folks" said Sam.

She put her hand on Murray's chest and said "So I don't know how it worked for you".

"Well. I guess they just don't make heart valves like they used to" Murray joked.

Sam laughed as Murray kissed her.

"You know, Sam, I'm glad this day worked out the way it did because... you didn't have to spend it in Actorville. And we got to be together" said Murray.

"I'm glad too. Mostly because I really missed you all day" said Sam.

"I missed you too" said Murray.

A few days later, Chad was discharged from the hospital and the kids were on the street together.

"Newsflash, guys. Chad and I are officially together" said Meg with a smile.

"Really? That's awesome" said Calvin.

"Sure is. And how could it not be possible? Meg, you saved the guy's life, like, twice since you met him" said Charles Wallace.

"I only saved him and Jeremy the first time because you guys wouldn't" said Meg.

"Oh, sure. Blame the Warriors" Sam joked.

Meg laughed and said "Whatever. I'm just glad that day worked out. I hate off days".

"Yeah, so do we. But we love it when they improve" said Calvin.

"Like it did then" said Sam.

And, with that, everything was alright again. 

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