Chapter 6

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That night, Sam lay asleep in her dormitory.

But then she heard a knock on her door.

She answered it and Chad stood there looking nauseated.

"Hey. What's wrong?" said Sam.

"I have pain radiating from my naval to my lower right abdomen" said Chad scientifically.

"What?" said Sam confusedly.

"It's scientific terms. My belly hurts" said Chad.

"Holy nuts, you and Meg are the same" said Sam.

"Never mind that. I'm nauseated and feverish. I think I might have cholera" said Chad.

"There is no cholera in Actorville. Just like when I told Charles Wallace that there was no malaria in Anaheim" said Sam.

"Then... if it's not cholera, according to some research I did in medical school, it could be a disease, parasite or accidental ingestion of chrysanthemum blossoms" said Chad.

"When would you have accidentally eaten chrysanthemum blossoms?" said Sam disgustedly.

"A very unlikely scenario when Jeremy and I were sleepwalking in a flower store with a very indecisive proprietor" answered Chad.

Then he bent down and said "Oh, I think I'm getting worse".

Sam smiled and said "Have you had your appendix taken out?"

"No. I've been meaning to, but I never had the time" said Chad.

Sam nodded and said "I figured this because it happened to Calvin one time. He had appendix surgery and I think you need it too".

"Are you sure?" 

"Yeah. Let's get you to the hospital"

"No. You don't want to be in a hospital in whatever state you seem to be in" said Chad.

"But in your "state", you do. I'm just glad it's your appendix and not your heart" said Sam.

"Why? Did you need work done on your heart at some point?" said Chad.


"Then what's the matter?"

"Chad! Is this a ruse to get me to talk?" said Sam.

"No, no, I swear. I really don't feel good" said Chad.

Sam gave him the "really?" look.

"I'm serious, love" said Chad.

"Fine" said Sam.

She sprinkled pixie dust on Chad and flew him to the hospital.

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