Chapter 5

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Digby Wolfe returned from London and joined his actor mates in their dormitory.

"Hey, guys" he said.

"Digby! How was London, my friend?" said Pat.

"Oh, you know. My hometown. People say it's one big star. That should be its critic rating" said Digby.

Chad laughed at the joke.

"Poor thing. I bet she's alone in her dormitory crying her eyes out" he said after a second.

"Who?" said Digby.

"Sam. When Pat mentioned your sister being in quarantine, she burst into tears and ran off" said Chad.

"We've no idea why, but it might have something to do with the hospital" said Pat.

"I see. Did she get her brain cut open or something?" said Digby.

Chad laughed and said "I hope not. That would make her more upset than she is now".

Tim came into the room and said "You guys aren't gonna believe this".

"Timmy, what's wrong?" said Chad.

"I ran into Sam in the hall. She told me this secret that was upsetting her" said Tim.

"What secret?" said Pat.

"She told me not to tell you. But after she did, she hugged me" said Tim.

"Then didn't you hug her back?" said Digby.

"No. I panicked a little bit and I couldn't move" said Tim.

"It's alright. But I'm sure Chad would like to know what the secret was" said Pat.

"I'm not a snitch" said Tim.

"Please, Tim. I'm worried about her" said Chad.

"You didn't seem worried when we found she was coming back" said Digby.

"Well, I'm worried now. She's Meg Murry's best friend. I love that girl and I love her friends too" said Chad.

"I can't. If I can't talk to her, I might as well be loyal to her" said Tim.

"Oh, alright. I just hope she's okay" said Chad.

"So do I, Chad" said Pat.

"And me" said Digby.

"Me too" said Tim. 

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