Chapter 4

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Lord Tim Hudson was returning from his party when he saw Sam running down the stairs in tears.

He wanted to see what the matter was, but he was too nervous to speak to her as he was with all women.

"Oh. Hi. Back from the party?" said Sam.

Tim stared wide-eyed at her.

"Heh. Rhetorical question? Never mind. How was it?" said Sam.

Tim gave her a thumbs up and nodded.

"Good. It's nice to be back" said Sam trying to be polite.

Tim smiled as if to say "It's good to see you".

"Listen, Tim. Would it be alright if I told you something I didn't tell anyone here?" said Sam.

The mute actor widened his eyes again.

"If you can't talk to me, there's no chance you'd tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Right?" said Sam nervously.

Tim shrugged.

"Okay. Today's the day my husband had open heart surgery. I just wanna be with him right now, but instead I'm stuck here." Sam explained.

Tim put his hand on his chest implying that he felt bad for what Sam was going through.

"And the operation itself and what came of it still really scares me. Murray got out clean, but he almost didn't. I just don't know if I can survive this day away from him. I don't even know if he's handling it without me" Sam cried.

Tim tilted his head sympathetically.

"Do you think I'll be okay here? Do you think I have a chance at being happy without Murray for this nightmare inducing anniversary?" said Sam.

"Uh-oh. She's in distress and she's coming to me for advice. What should I do?" Tim thought.

He decided to be comforting. 

Tim nodded his head and smiled.

"Thank you so much for listening, Tim. You are a doll!" said Sam with a smile.

She hugged Tim, but he was too nervous to hug back.

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