Chapter 7

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Sam was devastated at the fact that she had to witness a surgery.

She didn't want to, but Chad was her friend. She needed to help him so she had Meg perform the operation.

Pat, Tim and Digby were witnessing it.

"Poor guy. Sam spends her day snapping at him and now he has appendicitis" said Tim.

"Well, at least his dream girl is down there operating on him" said Digby.

"Yeah, but we're in the place that Sam seems to be afraid of. We haven't seen the end of this" said Pat.

Chad was sedated for his operation. He slept right through it.

When he woke up, his friends came and visited him.

"How are you feeling, lad?" said Tim.

"A little better. But I feel funny. I'm sleepy" said Chad.

"It's the sedative. It's starting to wear off" said Meg.

"Meg. You're an excellent surgeon. If it weren't for you, I might have lost my appendix and my life at the same time" said Chad taking her hand.

Meg laughed and said "You're welcome.

Chad smiled and squeezed her hand gently. 

Then he said "Have you met Pat, Tim and Digby?"

"I can't say I have" said Meg.

"It's very nice to meet you, young Meg" said Pat.

"Pleasure" said Digby.

Tim just smiled.

"Why is he not talking?" said Meg.

"Tim can't talk to girls" said Chad.

"Why not?" said Meg.

"He gets really nervous around them" said Pat.

Tim nodded his head.

"Sam was really brave to come here tonight" said Meg.

"Why?" said Digby.

"Her husband had aorta surgery right here in this very hospital. It was really scary" said Meg.

"What is the aorta?" said Digby.

"A part of your heart that connects to the ventricle" said Chad.

"Yeah. Sam was really scared when Murray needed surgery for a faulty valve" said Meg.

"So that's why she's the way she is" said Pat.

"Yeah. Mainly because these three witches came in and tore out Murray's entire heart. We almost couldn't save him" said Meg.

"Dear. That has to be why Sam was so upset all day" said Chad.

"If she was upset today, this is the only possible reason" said Meg.

"Meg... Sam would never tell us why. Thanks for finally telling us" said Chad.

"Chad, honey, Sam sometimes is a tough nut to crack. Murray knows all her secrets, but we sometimes need to sweeten the deal" said Meg.

"Well. Good thing we have you and your lot around" said Digby.

Meg laughed then went back to work.

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