Chapter 9

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Pat, Tim and Digby approached Sam.

"How is he?" said Murray.

"He's fine." said Pat.

"There's something I need to tell you guys. This is where my husband had heart surgery on this exact day" said Sam.

"We know, dear" said Digby.

Sam's eyes widened as she said "You do? How?"

"Meg told us. Why didn't you tell us the truth?" said Pat.

"Because I didn't want to worry you guys. I just wanted to get through this day" said Sam.

"We're sorry for your troubles, Sam." said Pat.

Sam shook her head.

Tim knew what to do to cheer Sam up, but he didn't know if he could do it.

He decided to be brave for his friend.

Tim forced out the words "I'm sorry".

Sam was delighted to hear Tim speak to her and said "Sweetie, it's okay!"

She hugged him again and this time, Tim hugged back.

"What's this about?" said Murray.

"He never usually talks to me. Or any woman" said Sam.

Murray gave Tim a thumbs up and said "Good on ya. Being brave" 

Tim nodded and smiled.

Meanwhile, Meg was visiting Chad in his hospital room.

"Feeling better, honey?" she said.

"Yeah. I just wish Sam had told me all this before" said Chad.

"I get it. Calvin doesn't tell us much either. He's always trying to be big and tough" said Meg.

Chad laughed and said "Meg, sweet... ever since I met you on that cruise ship, I felt like you and I had something".

"What's that?" said Meg.

"We admitted that we love each other. But with your ex-boyfriend and my ex-wife, it's kind of getting in the way" said Chad.

"Okay... I understand. But we should keep in mind that we have a few things in common" said Meg.

"Actually, we have everything in common" said Chad.

"We do?" 

"Yeah. Sam mentioned you were a surgeon. And every record our fans buy brings me closer to being a brain surgeon" Chad explained.

"Oh my god..." said Meg with a wide smile.

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