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Okay, let's back up. My name is Evelyn Snow. Yes, Snow as in Caitlin Snow. My sister asked me for help one night and it turned into this. I work with Team Flash and more specifically with Cisco Ramon and Iris West-Allen behind the computers. All of us work together to help the Flash take down one metahuman after the next to help protect Central City.

"Wow, this house is bitchin'." Brought me in from the kitchen of the West household.

"Who's the hottie?" I asked the group.

"No idea." Barry said.

"I think I've seen you before." Caitlin said. "Didn't you spill coffee all over Harry and me?"

"Yeah, did she pay for yours? 'Cause she paid for ours." Ralph added.

"Weren't you the server at their wedding?" Wally asked.

"Wait, yeah, you were." Barry confirmed. "And where did you get this jacket?"

"Uh, from her." She pointed at Iris who just walked into the room.

"Um, no, mine- mine is one of a kind."

"So was this, uh, when you let me borrow it."

Barry chuckled uncomfortably. "Who- who are you?"

"I'm your daughter, Nora. From the future."
"I take back what I said." I muttered to myself, grabbing Caitlin's champagne and downing it.

"And I think I... made a big, big mistake."


"Okay, let's back up. My name is Nora West-Allen, the fastest woman alive. When I'm from, 30 years from now, I'm the guardian of Central City. I'm a speedster just like my dad. People call me XS. Every day, I hope to live up to the legacy of the flash, but I've still got a long way to go." Nora explained.

"You're saying you're our daughter?" Barry asked her.

"From the future?" Iris added on.

"Named Nora?"

"After your mother." She explained.

"Anybody need a refill?" Cisco asked to break the awkward silence. "No? Just me?"

"Cisco Ramon, always cutting the tension with a joke." She laughed.

"You know our names?" I asked her.

"Everyone except you, actually. You're Caitlin Snow." She pointed at Caitlin. "Ralph Dibny, Papa Joe, Mama Cecile. Little Auntie Jenna. She's so cute. And Uncle Wally." She listed off, making her way around the room.

"Uh, your nickname is XS?" Wally asked her.

"Clearly not my doing." Cisco muttered, obviously not taking a liking to the name.

"No, uh, it's a nickname that you gave to me when I was a kid, mom."


"You said I did everything in excess. Guess I've always been like that. Overdoing things, getting in way over my head. Like, uh, recently."

"This mistake that you made?"

"Big mistake." She corrected her father.

"Which was..." Iris' voice trailed off suggestively, waiting for an answer from her daughter.

"Helping you save the city by destroying the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite last night."

"You were the other speedster?"

"I just couldn't stop myself from getting involved. But something happened when I did, because now, I can't seem to go fast enough to open up the speedforce."

The Time That We Lost-Nora West AllenWhere stories live. Discover now