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"So you're not stuck here?" Iris asked as Nora told the truth to everyone.

"No, I'm not." She admitted.

"So the reverse tachyons in your system?" Caitlin continued.

"Were put there because of me."

"Are you kidding?" Cisco asked, annoyed. "You know how many credit card points I just blew just trying to get rid of your negative tachyons. I just bought a brand new spectral tachymeter when I could have my Fiji getaway." He looked at Caitlin and Cecile who were silently chuckling to themselves. "Not that I have anyone to go with anymore." He muttered. Ralph turned around for a moment before Cisco shut him up. "I'm not taking you to Fiji, Ralph."

"Dude, I thought we were done with this Gypsy shit." I reminded Cisco.

"Why didn't you guys tell us about this before?" Iris questioned her husband and daughter. Nora looked at me and Barry, both of us giving her the nod to show everyone the article.

"Oh my God." My sister muttered once seeing the title.



"Barry never returns?" Cecile asked Nora.

"That's why you came here." Joe concluded. "To see your father, because you were raised without him." Everyone was in shock. They all knew Barry would disappear in crisis, but we all thought he was going to come back eventually.

"So what?" Iris was the first one to speak up.

"Iris-" Barry spoke calmly to his wife.

"So what that that article says you'll never come back. So what if the other one says that you vanish. I mean, it's said other things before, right? We made it say other things before. So whatever the future brings we are going to deal with it when it gets here. And change it if we need to."

"She has a point." Cisco agreed. "If there's anything Team Flash is good at, it's handing the future it's own ass and then some."

"What he said." Caitlin agreed.

"Well, looks like Nora's gonna need more training after all." Baby Jenna's crying ended the sweet family moment.

"Oh, okay. She's hungry." Cecile explained.

"Yeah, why don't we, uh, all meet back at S.T.A.R. Labs, all right?"


As my sister and I walked into Cisco's workshop, we heard Gypsy's voice from the holocube. Once Cisco heard us, we heard rustling and cabinets closing quickly.

"Hello there." I greeted him.

"Hey." He started working on something random.

"Whatcha doing?"

"I was just trying to get Barry's new suit into this ring." Cisco lied. "Oh, it's, it's tiny."

"Yeah, you sure you weren't watching old holograms of Gypsy?" I asked him.

"Why would I be doing that?" He asked, not looking up at us.

"Because you miss her." Caitlin looked at our friend sympathetically.

"We just have something so special." He gave in. "Shouldn't it have worked? Of course now it's not so special anymore now she's just rattling around my head."

"I'm sorry this is so hard for you." I patted his shoulder.

"But it is okay that you're still thinking about her." My sister added.

The Time That We Lost-Nora West AllenWhere stories live. Discover now