The Death of Vibe...

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"Sounds like an insect." Caitlin observed.

"Yeah, it does." I agreed. "Like a-" Nora cut me off.

"Like a cicada." We all looked at her.

"Who's Cicada?" Barry asked his daughter.

Nora took a breath, trying to prepare herself to wipe the bewildered looks off of our faces. "As a kid, there was a part of the Flash Museum that always scared me. I guess it's normal for children to be afraid of monsters. But this monster was different." Nora's eyes drifted off, going to a place far from where we were. "No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victims hear. But that's not what makes him scary." Her eyes darted back to the present, glancing at all of us one by one. "What makes him scary never catch him."

Barry's eyebrows furrowed. "We never catch him."

"Supergirl, The Legends, even The League tried, but no one was successful." Nora begrudgingly confirmed.

"Probably because he can dampen everybody's powers with that magic friggin' dagger." Ralph deduced.

"Not all superpowers are meta-humans, though. What about-" I was cut off, and caught off guard, by Nora's blunt voice and mannerism.

"Green Arrow? Yeah, he tried too once, but..." Nora finished her sentence with a shake of her head.

"So we're dealing with a meta-human Jack The Ripper." Cisco muttered, barely loud enough for any of us to hear. "Amazing." He slumped his head onto his arm.

Iris sighed heavily, looking up at her daughter. "What else do you know about him?"

"Just that he..." Nora hesitated to finish her sentence. "He's early."

"What do you mean he's early?" Barry questioned.

"I think what she means is that he's early in the timeline." I clarified on behalf of the younger speedster.

Nora nodded. "In my history, Cicada's first victim was a meta-human named Floyd Belkin. And he never killed Gridlock or Block. They're completely different victims."

"Because the timeline changed."

"Yeah, and now they're both dead...because of me."

"Okay, there's nothing telling the ripple effect of this change or what kind of future Nora's gonna return to." Barry stated, turning to the rest of the team. "We gotta catch this guy fast."

"You mean catch the guy that future us can't catch?" Cisco queried, getting a nod from Barry in response. "Right, and I thought beating The Thinker was hard."

An electronic beeping from the computer interrupted the "riveting" conversation. "Guys, it's Joe." Caitlin announced. "CCPD needs help downtown.

"Okay, I got it." Barry went to take off, being stopped immediately by Ralph.

"No, I'll-I'll do it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I got it. You guys stay here and deal with the meta serial killer."

"Okay, guys, look, we got this." Iris assured, trying her best to put on an optimistic face. "Let's just canvas some crime scenes, interview some witnesses, and see if there's any common acquaintances between Gridlock and Block."

A look of realization struck Nora's face as her mother spoke. "I have a plan."

"You-you've got a plan already?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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