Tyler ran as a fast as he could down the street. stepping over the red haird mysetwrous man, tyler foot colliding with face skin, boom. the skull crashed, bloood everywhere. tyler used dead/red man head blood to slide to his destination faster.a grim scene.
a perfect day.tyler, blood soaked heelies, rolls into the scene with superman now. and also tyler sees superman covered in durt anf stops wheelings on his heels and admired true beauty. durt on da duper dero. tyler is gay again, no longer angry.
tyler loves super man
this true
we all should love superman
how about youchipps. chips and da dip.
weat ashe putty
tyler leaves. content. end scene
My (Super)Man
RomanceTHis is the story of two starcrossed lovers in their endevors to find a middel ground where they can lover eachother out of the eyes of they're rivaln groups. Totally my Idea.. no one elsese..... ima just leave it like it is....#WilliamStoleFromMe.