Ten Years Later

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It wasn't the same. With them gone, there was a piece missing. It was obvious that they were taken.
Varian took it hardest. He never let his son out in fear he would lose him, like he did his wife.
Yes, it was Anduin who was one who was taken.
He wasn't the only one.
Different princes and Princess all disappeared. It was dangerous, who ever was playing with them, taking Kings and Queens children, was asking for trouble, but the real trouble was that they couldn't find who took them.
After 10 years, it was still fresh on their minds. But nothing more than the invasion.
The invasion of Stormwind.
So many hurt, so many dead to the Horde. What was their point? They were destroying Stormwind and killing everyone. Was that their plan?
"Varian, we have to keep retreating" Queen Azshara said, a remorseful look in her glowing eyes. "No, we can't" Varian replied. "We have so many hurt here. We can't just move them. We must hold our ground! For them!"
"They are dying, Varian. We've lost Stormwind. There's nothing more we can do." King Bronzebeard said, with a sign.
"What is the matter with all of you?" Varian demanded. All around him were defeated looking kings and a queen.
"We're defeated, Varian. Our heirs are gone, Stormwind has fallen. Alliance has lost."
"No it hasn't!"
They all gasped and looked up, as they did their eyes widened in shock and awe.
The dragon flights!
And... Others?
"Anduin?" Varian exclaimed. Upon the back of the red dragon was a man. Longish blonde hair, deep red armor, a red staff upon his back.
"Herena!" Azshara yelled. Upon the green dragon was a female nightelf, deep green armor, a polerarm in her hands.
"Burdfeild?" Bronzebead exclaimed. In the blue Dragons claws
One by one, the remaining Kings exclaimed their son (and daughters) names.
"Nice to see you all!" Herena laughed. "Focus, Ena." Anduin called. He jumped from Alexstraza's back, almost a thousand feet in the air, and landed smoothly on the ground, raising his staff to the injuried and said "Be healed of your injuries, be blessed by the powers!"
And just like that they were fine, and powerful.
They ran off when Anduin raised his staff in the air, yelling "Fight for the Alliance! Fight for your family's! Fight for your right!"
One by one, the princes and Princess dropped down. Most landed on their own, but Anduin caught Herena with one arm, her arms around his neck.
"Hm, nice soft landing" she smiled. Anduin rolled his eyes, almost dropping her when she didn't get off.
"Alright alright mr. Grumpy." She giggled, hopping off. With a frown, Anduin reached over and flicked her nose.
"Down girl" He said, much like talking to a dog or cat.
She strunched her nose, sticking out her tongue, and giggling.
Then Anduin turned to Varian. His bright blue eyes were filled with a fire that his father had never seen in him before. But it was gone the second Anduin was suddenly right on top of Varian, hugging him tightly. "I missed you" he whispered.
Varian could only hug back, afraid of bursting into tears at the return of his son.

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