Chapter One

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Xingqiu took a seat in the library. This place was his comfort, he would always come and sit here to read whenever he felt bored or anxious or anything of the sort. He skimmed through a novel, giggling at some parts.

Then, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He immediately recognized whom it belonged to.

"Oh, hey Chongyun! Fancy meeting you here." Xingqiu said with a smile.

The boy smiled, taking a seat next to him. "Oh actually, I came here looking for you!'

"Hehe really? You wanted to see me that much?"

Chongyun scratched his head. "As much as I love seeing you, that's not why I'm here. I need your assistance."

Xingqiu closed his book, facing Chongyun. "Well, inform me~"

Chongyun sighed. "It's a bit awkward.."

Xingqiu nodded. "Go on. I won't judge~"

"W-well I really like this girl, and I plan on confessing to her but I'm kind of scared. I-it's like, uhm, I don't know what to say... or if she feels the same... you know?"

"Aha! Well don't you worry my liege, I've read so many romace novels! Just go for it! If she doesn't like you back.. it's okay. Some people aren't meant to be. Follow your heart, no matter the cost," said Xingqiu with a bright smile.

Chongyun nodded. "I'll try. Wanna go grab a bite while we're at it?"

Xingqiu sprang up. "You know it~ Wanmin Restaurant it is?"

Chongyun's eyes widened. "N-no, please no- I-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Xingqiu had firmly grasped his hands and was tugging him over to the direction of Wanmin. Chongyun smiled but let out a small sigh, shaking his head as he trailed off with his best friend. Whoa.. his hands are so surprisingly warm?? Chongyun thought, then cursed himself for being a creep. Calm down... calm down...

''My Boy,, Xingqiu x Chongyun Where stories live. Discover now