Chapter Four

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Xingqiu sat lone in his bed. This time, he wasn't even reading a book, he was just sitting by himself. He asked Chongyun to come over, but he's an hour late and Xingqiu had lost hope that he would be over. Reluctantly, he plopped onto his bed and hugged his pillow. Then he heard his phone beep.

He sighed and opened the notification. He then noticed it was from Chongyun and his face lit up.

Hey, sorry I'm so late, I went to see Xiangling for a bit. I'll be there shortly.

Of course he went to see Xiangling... Xingqiu thought, feeling a bit sadder. Xiangling means more to him than I ever will.

No worries my liege. I'll see you soon~

Xingqiu sent the text and sat up, patiently waiting for Chongyun.

After a while, he heard a few knocks on his door. He happily scurried to the door. He opened it, revealing a crying Chongyun.

"YunYun? YunYun what happened-"

Xingqiu couldn't finish his sentence before Chongyun arms wrapped him into a warm embrace. Xingqiu furiously blushed, Chongyun never hugged him unless it was serious. He felt a warm, fuzzy feeling sink in his stomach as Chongyun hands slowly rubbed his back.

Xingqiu returned the hug, placing his head by Chongyun's neck. "YunYun? What happened..?"

"I-So I confessed to Xiangling... I was rejected but it'll be okay... I just need time," he replied, slowly pulling away from Xingqiu and gazing into his eyes.

Xingqiu gulped. "Oh.. I see. Do you want to do something?"

Chongyun scratched his head. "Um, yeah.. can I just... um.."

Xingqiu tilted his head. "Hmm?"

Blush began to cover Chongyun's face. "C-can you just... h-hold me...?" he asked shyly, covering his face.

Xingqiu widened his eyes, the warmth in his stomach growing. "Oh- of course!"

Xingqiu and Chongyun slowly layed down onto the bed, Chongyun wrapping his arms around Xingqiu, engulfing him in the warmest embrace.

Xingqiu wiggled around a bit, purely out of excitement. He rested his head onto Chongyun's chest, hearing his heartbeat. Chongyun tilted his head down onto Xingqiu and began rubbing his back. Feeling relaxed, Xingqiu felt himself drift off to sleep.

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