Chapter Nine

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Xingqiu made his way back home, knocking the door tenderly. He was scared that his mom or dad would hurt him.

The door immediately opened.

"Xingqiu dear, where have you been? Surely not with the... gay boy right?" His mother said, frankly disgusted.

"No, of course not, I went to the library."

"Then why do you look like you've cried?"

"I was reading The Lion and The Warrior. The ending broke my heart, I couldn't help but get a little emotional."

His mom nodded, seemingly believing his easy lie. "Alright, well go to your room. Your dad is passed out on the couch drunk, don't go near him."

Xingqiu nodded and slowly walked to his room.

He opened the shades on his window to let in some light, but then he saw a pink figure in the distance.

"What the hell..." he muttered, flopping back down hoping he was seeing things.

Then he began to hear voices coming from downstairs. No no no, am I going schizo? What in the world... he groaned and covered his head with his pillow.

But it only got worse. Footsteps creaked up to his room and he soon heard rapping on his door. He panicked and shrieked.

"Xingqiu? Are you in here?" a familiar, feminine voice called.

I've heard that voice before.

"Yanfei. What are you doing here?" but as he said it, he remembered what Chongyun had told him, and he opened the door, to which Yanfei, his mom, and his dad filed in.

"An anonymous person has reported a case of abuse going on in this household. Xingqiu, do I have your permission to do a quick examination? If you are uncomfortable with this, you have every right to say no, as allowed by the fourth amendment," Yanfei asked, "and as for you two, everything you say can be used against you. Please step out of the room."

Mom and Dad rolled their eyes and left the room.

Yanfei looked at Xingqiu, awaiting a response.

"Y-yeah that's okay-" he said.

Yanfei quickly searched his arms and legs and felt around his stomach, asking if anything hurt and praising him for being so brave.

"I see. Have your parents ever laud hands on you?"

Xingqiu slowly nodded, tears in his eyes.

"I trust you. Is there anywhere else you would feel safe? Judging by your documentation, your grandparents have passed but you have some relatives in Fontaine."

Xingqiu didn't know what to say. Should I tell her to keep me at Chongyun's house? But Chongyun used me... wait, actually, it seemed like he wanted to tell me something. I should give him a chance.

"Would a friend's house be eligible?" he asked.

Yanfei looked at him quizzically. "That varies. The adults of that household would need to go through paperwork and meet with me personally, and we'd have to speak with the friend and hold some sessions. Would that interest you?"

Xingqiu nodded.

"I'll take your word. For now, I'll let you stay in my guest room and we'll talk to the designated household. Who's this friend?"


Yanfei remembered him. That's the guy who reported this case. Aww how sweet, makes me think of me and Hu Tao. She nodded and led Chongyun to her guest room.

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