Chapter Three

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A few nights had passed since Chongyun had last went out to Wanmin with Xingqiu. He had a plan to confess to Xiangling. I'm just going to do what Xingqiu said, follow my heart. What could go wrong, Xiangling is amazing!

So with that thought in mind, Chongyun made his way over to Wanmin once again. And there was his beloved Xiangling, behind the kitchen cooking steaks.

"Heyyyy!!! Xiangling!" He called out from across the street, waving excitedly.

"Oh howdy Chongyun! Not here with Xingqiu this time?" Xiangling shouted back, smiling. Even Guoba gave a little wave.

"Oh I.. actually wanted to speak to you alone, so no he's not with me today."

"Awh okie dokie! I'm all ears! And so is Guoba!" she giggled.

"I um... I like you Xiangling... and I mean.. like... I like like you..." Chongyun said, blushing and pausing between almost every word.

Xiangling turned around to face him, shocked. "Oh Chongyun, I'm terribly sorry but I can't say I feel the same. I'm actually.. a lesbian!" she said, patting him on the back.

"Oh- I'm so sorry, I completely misunderstood-"

"No, no, don't fret Chongyun! You had no idea! I don't express it too often. But we'll still be friends no matter what. I'm sorry that I don't return those feelings, I know you must be a bit upset." Xiangling said, scratching her head.

Chongyun smiled at her, happy that she was supportive and that things went over well. "Yeah, in all honesty... I had no clue, I totally misunderstood. But hey, I support you no matter your identity, and I'll respect that you don't feel the same!"

Xiangling grinned. "Appreciated! Now, would you like some more of that soup you had yesterday?"

"I'll have to pass, I actually told Xingqiu I would go visit him. But I'll definitely come back and catch you later Xiangling!" Chongyun said, waving goodbye to his friend.

"O-kay see ya! Guoba says bye too!"

''My Boy,, Xingqiu x Chongyun Where stories live. Discover now