Chapter Ten

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A few days had passed. Xingqiu's parents were both arrested, and it was his official first day he was going to live with Chongyun. Yanfei had spoken to Chongyun and his parents, to which Chongyun's parents had moved a bed into his room (he agreed to it) and moved in his old belongings.

Xingqiu hoped to get the chance to talk things out with Chongyun. He missed his friend and was mad that he wouldn't give him a chance to explain the first time.

Yanfei knocked on Xingqiu's door.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Yeah, all ready," replied Xingqiu, opened the door and walking over to Chongyun's with Yanfei.

Xingqiu waved goodbye to Yanfei as Chongyun welcomed in his friend and let him to their room.

Xingqiu plopped onto his bed and sighed.

"Sooo..." Chongyun scratched his head.

"So?" Xingqiu replied.

"We need to talk."

"Yeah we do."

"Will you let me explain?"

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"So what I wanted to say is, I think I might be polyamorous. Well not entirely, I just think I'm more flexible. Like I've liked multiple people at once, and I feel like I could date more than one person, but I also think I could be happy dating just one person as well. It's not that I don't like you, Xingqiu, I do but I liked Xiangling at the time too. I don't think I do anymore though.. she's been a little out of her usual mood."

Xingqiu smiled. "That makes so much more sense actually, I'm sorry that I got so angry.. I just assumed the worse."

Chongyun laughed. "So how do you feel about that stuff?"

"I feel that you're indecisive~"

"Hey! Don't be like that!"

"I'm kidding YunYun~ Seriously though, I don't really think I'm all that interested in polyamory. I feel like it wouldn't be my cup of tea."

"That's respectable. You're all mine then!"

"YunYun! Does that mean-"

"Xingqiu, I'd love to be your boyfriend!" exclaimed Chongyun, climbing onto Xingqiu's bed and holding his hands.

Chongyun then began to kiss Xingqiu's cheek and neck, causing him to giggle and blush. "YunYun, YunYun what's gotten into you!" he said, gliding his thumbs over Chongyun's hands.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too!"

Xingqiu sat on Chongyun's lap and happily kissed his lips. "You're my boy."

And they were roommates. And boyfriends.

''My Boy,, Xingqiu x Chongyun Where stories live. Discover now