the 10 year old jerk!

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  • Dedicated to Dylan

(4 years later!)

“Rosie, get your ass down here now! Were going to be late!”

“okay!!” I scream, Emily is so annoying, sometimes I wish I was 4 again, she was nice then and I, well I liked her! Now that im 8 she is really mean to me! It gets worse when she is around Gemma, the girl who lives next door to us… her and her brother Harry moved in 4 years ago, and its been the worst 4 years of my life! Gemma and Emily are always mean to me, and Harry well Harry is just a typical boy! Stupid and dumb! He never cares about anyone but himself! If I was 10 I would slap him round the head! But im only 8 and he would probably smack me back… he once pushed me off my bike because I was ‘ in his way’… I hate him!!!

“Rosie” Emily is still screaming for me,  Gemma and Harry’s mum  got 4 tickets for us all to go to the  pantomime… I usually love it, but this time it means im going to be stuck with 3 complete jerks! WHY?!?!?

When we got to the pantomime,  Gemma and Emily gave me and Harry our tickets and walked off, “stay together!” I here them say as they run off laughing. I look at Harry and roll my eyes. Of all the people in the world, I have to stay with him! “ C ya kid” he says as he turns to walk away. I grab his shoulder “ where do you think your going?” I basically spit at him!

“ im going to take a look around” he spits back at me.

“ we have to stay together!” I was getting annoyed now, I hate 10 year olds!

“Rosie, your 8, im not babysitting you!”  he did not just go there. I did not need a babysitter!

“ FINE!” I scream and walk away, who needs Harry anyway? This is going to be so much fun without him. Harry is just a jerk, this is why I hate bo…

“help!” I start to scream! I had been picked up by a man, he threw me over his shoulder and began to run “HELP” I continue to scream, he runs. Its as if no one is listening to me, so I did what seemed like a smart choice at the time.. I screamed, but not just any scream. I screamed for one person. As loud as I could! “HARRY!!!!!” the next thing I knew the man stopped running, he was laughing, “this is harry?” I turned around and saw the little 10 year old boy standing by the man, “put her down!” them man laughed hysterically. “ what are you going to do kid?” this time Harry laughed to. “this” he said, he ran at the man, kicked him in the ‘manly area. I fell to the ground, harry grabbed my hand, “Run Rosie” he said, hand in hand we ran to the middle of the theatre. “Ha, Harry, you saved me…” the words came out in puffs.

He smiled, “I guess I did..”

“thank you!” I said

“ na, it was nothing” he tried to sound all cool, but this boy who I hated so much had just saved my life! I was so thankful.

“thank you” I said again, but this time, I gave him a hug.

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