a harmless heart break

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  • Dedicated to Samantha

Chapter 5

I was right! The year was going so great, it was even better in the second term when a new boy named James was put into half of my classes. He was a really nice boy, Harry didn’t seem to like him though, but he had all the girls drooling! In first period, English, I was sat with Harry next to me, Kayla and Nikita sitting on the opposite side of the table. We were all laughing, Nikita and Harry were giving each other funny looks, maybe they had something going on? I wasn’t quite sure but I ddint think much of it, I saw Harry nod then turn to look at me, “ Rosie can I as..” he was cut off, the classroom door opened and in walked this amazingly good looking guy, James, he was put onto our table and we all began to talk. “what did you want to say Harry?” he shook his head, “Nothing” He looked sad and I gave him a cheeky smile, he did the same back, showing his dimples, I giggled and gently nudged his shoulder, we then continued to talk to James.

Harry’s P.O.V

Look at him! Jerk! I was just about to ask Rosie out, and he comes in all good looks and charms and she is completely falling for him1 I sit quietly and try to  finish my work.

(a few weeks later)

“Harry.. look out!” I hear Todd scream, I snap out of my thoughts and the soccer ball comes flying my way and straight into my face. The bell rings, “come on man, get up.” Todd, Jacob and Dan run over to me and help me up, “are you ok man?” Jacob asks, I shack my head “its Rosie, I think she likess James..” Dan looked at me “James Baxter?” I nod, “oh no..” I look at him confused “well you see” he continued.. “ im in his science class, and I overheard him saying to that Kayla girl, you know Rosies friend?”

“get to the point” I growl,

“he, he’s thinking of asking her out..” I felt my heart sink

“why didn’t you tell me!” I could see him shaking, “well, I thought she liked you, so I just assumed she would say no, but..”

Wait” I said, “what made you think she likes me?”

He laughed… then he looked at Jacob and Todd “dude” Todd said, “isn’t it obvious?”

I shook my head, they all laughed but Dan,” im sorry for not telling you man, you never know, she could say no.”

Rosie’s P.O.V

“have you seen Harry??” I basically screamed it at Nikita as I ran to her locker. “no why?” I grunted, “I have to tell him something, well and you guys, where’s Kayla?”  could see her looking around “there” she pointed “Kayla!!” I screamed, she walked over to us, “ok so I was walked out of the dance hall, you know how I got kept behind” I asked them and they both nodded, “ well as I walked out the door, James was there.. he asked me out!” I was panting as I said it, I said it so fast I was surprised they even understood. They both started screaming! “I have to tell Harry, he’s going to be so happy” Kayla told me he was walking to the library when she last saw him “thanks” I began to walk but Nikita stopped me “Rose, I don’t think it’s a very good idea telling Harry..” I was very confused “why not?” she shook her head, “its just not” I pulled my arm away, I could tell whoever I wanted, Harry had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, of course I was going to tell him.

Harry’s P.O.V

I was sat in the library doing my homework, I had arranged to go to Rosie’s after school so I had to make sure it was done, that way we would have more time. I was sat with Jacob and decided now was a good time to tell him about Jessica, “hey man” he looked up at me.. “well I um.. I was talking to Jessica, and she wants me to get you guys together.. I don’t think you should but she asked me to give it a go.. so” he smiled “Harry, were already going out..” no! oh my god, what was he doing.. “but she,” he laughed “I know what she said to you, we were going out then… its all good.”

“oh” I laughed with him, but my laughter turned to butterflies as I saw Rosie walk into the library, well I say walked… she ran as fast as a cheater! Why was she running! “HARRY!”

“shhh” the librarian hissed, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Harry” she walked over to me, I gave her a hug, “I have to tell you something” I lite up, “I have to tell you something to Rosie”

she smiled “ I lik…” I started to say, but at the same time she blurted out the most hurtful thing anyone could ever say! “im going out with James!” I couldn’t breath, I felt my heart in my thought. I felt like I had just been stabbed.. “Harry” she looked worried. I punched the table and stormed out.

“Harry” she ran after me screaming “Harry what’s wrong?”

“nothing I hissed” as I stormed out of the library.

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