in the music room

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Chapter 10

Rosie’s P.O.V

Harry was warm… to warm… I could tell he was still angry, why hadn’t I of listened to him…  if I had then non of this would of happened! How could I be so stupid… got I hate being 14… and to top it all off  it is Harry’s birthday tomorrow, he’s going to be 16 and iv been so busy with James that I havnt even got him a present! Im such a terrible friend! I begin to cry even harder then before!

“Rosie, please don’t cry, it makes me sad to see you like this..” he looked sad..

“im sorry Harry”

“you don’t have to be sorry..”

“No! I do! I didn’t listen to you and iv messed everything up!”

“rosie, you havnt messed anything up! It was him.. he doesn’t deserve you.. any one would be lucky to have you.. even i.. never mind..”

“what was that Harry?” I sat up looking at him, he wiped my tears away..

“Nothing Rosie..”

he looked away..



“will you… will you.”

“will I what rosie?”

“Will you..”

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