He's a fighter

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chapter 9

i helped her up, "Rosie... Rosie i'm so sorry" she hugged me tight

"how could he have done this" she was crying each tear drop falling one by one, i just held her close until she pulled away from me and stormed down the hallway.

"Rosie where are you going?" i chased after her

"to find him!"

we found James and Jessica just after the bell, they were stood under the tree's next to the basketball courts. I'm guessing Rosie had planned going up and talking to him, maybe sorting things out but it all changed when she saw him, she burst into tears again hugging me, crying into my shoulder, i hated seeing her like this! Then it finally hit me, the jerk that had just broken my best friend was stod right infront of her with his new girlfriend, issing and cuddling her, tickling her and teling her how much he loved her....

i snapped.

i gently pushed Rosie to Kayla and Nikita and stormed over to James, i grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against the wall. "Who the hell do you think you are!" James looked scared, shaking. by this time everyone had gavered around us, "she's my best friend!" i could feel my blood boiling inside of me, i turned to Jessica, "and you! i always knew you were the wrong choice for Jacob!" she started backing away slowly so i turned my attention back to James. he was the real reason i was so angry! "well!"

"i......i'm sorry Harry" he was almost in tears, "sorry doesnt cut it!" i was so angry i couldnt even hear the peopel around me, it was just me and James, i wanted to kill him! i felt my hand lift up as to hit him but then i saw Rosie....

"Harry stop" she was crying, Kayla and Nikita hugging her tightly, i couldnt hurt her anymor then he already had so i let go of his shirt and stepped back, i began walking over to Rosie..

"yeah that's it! walk over to your little girlfriend, you say i'm cheating but don't act as if you havnt been shagging her every night!"

that was it, i turned back, fist clenched and punched him hard across the face knocking him to the floor, his lip was bleading but he still stood up and tried to hit me back, i ducked hitting him hard in the stomach. there were people shouting and cheering.


we both threw a few punches, but above allof the noise, above all of the screaming voies there was one that stood out.

"Harry!" Rosie was screaming hysterically "Harry stop it!" Niakita was trying to calm her down, "he's gonna get himself killed!" i turned to look at her and knew what i had done was wrong, but in that moment James smacked me hard across the face, i went to hit him back but didnt, i had to get back to Rosie, the girls let go of her and she ran over to me screaming. i stepped back

"let's just go Harry! please!" i looked at her then back at James with one queston running through my head.

“come on Harry” she was pulling at my t- shirt… I just ignored her plee… staring blankly at James.. how could he have don’t this too her?

“Harry!” this time she begged.. I spun around and lead her to my favourite place in the school.. Mr. Howard’s room…

Rosie’s P.O.V

Harry was leading me to a familiar place, the music department, it was where I had first herd him sing.. he had an amazing voice! And that song… I loved it.. but as I think more about it I realise.. it was a bit of a coincident that I told him I had a boyfriend (a terrible one at that…) he got all mad, and then he sings  that song then fights my boyfriend! well ex boyfriend..… does Harry like me? My best friend? NO! he couldn’t!! were just friends…

The whole time walking I didn’t realise he was holding my hand, it was only when he let go to knock the door I realised… it was also then that I realised I like it… omg no, not these feelings again…. Its weird how me and harry started off hating each other and then I like him.. I have for years! Even when I was with james I had feelings for Harry… even now that his nose was bleeding and his lip was swollen....

“you coming?” my thoughts were interrupted by Harry’s deep voice. He was holding open the door and signalling me to go through. He pulled out a key from his back pocket and he opend up the back room.. “Harry.. why do you have a key to a teachers room?” I was a little worried…

“I used to come here a lot.. Mr. Howard thinks of me as a son and when I need to think or im in a bad mood, this is where I come… he gave me a key so I could be here whenever I wanted too..” that made a lot more sense…

Harry’s P.O.V

I closed the door behind us and we walked over to the bean bag, I used to sit in this spot when I was mad or needed to cry… (so manly I know!) but now it seemed like the place Rosie needed to be. We sat down, she edged a little closer to me as she looked at my newly bruised face, she rested her head on my shoulder and began to cry.

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