Its Official

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I woke up at 3 am to throw up. I took a pregnancy test and it said I wasn't pregnant. I put on my Adidas outfit and woke Jacob up. I told him I needed to go to the ER and he got up quick, no questions asked. He had to help me in the car because I was too dizzy. I couldn't think. I sat in the front seat, I was breathing hard.

Jacob POV
I am taking my girlfriend to the ER. She couldn't walk herself to the car and she is breathing hard. I am stressing.

Jakyra POV

"We can take you now"
They sat me down and asked me questions
Weight: 145
Height: 4"9
" Let's check her blood's relatively high! We need to check her blood sugar. "
They got a little device, pricked me finger and checked it!
" Doc, it's high! 876! We need to transport her to Savannah!"
" Hold up what's happening!" I asked autistically.
" They're transporting you to Savannah"

Jacob POV

It usually takes 2 hrs from Waycross to Savannah. But the way this ambulance was driving it took us 45 mins. They got her off the ambulance and took her into ICU.

" Jakyra, you have type 1 diabetes."

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