My captivity again by Kamdor

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I hate myself for acting like this. I can’t seem to focus on my Power Ranger duty and I end up following Fiona. And now she’s mad at me for telling her what I feel about that Cam guy. Spencer just looks at me with concern after Fiona left without answering Spencer.

 Chapter 8

My captivity again by Kamdor

 I’m lying on my bed, looking unto the aqua green ceiling and hugging my other pink pillow. I never thought Mac and I would be like this, I am going home in a few days and all we did was fighting. He dislikes Cam so much; he probably has all the reason to dislike him because Cam is my only refuge for these awful feelings I have for Mac. I like Mac so much, there I said it. No matter how I deny it and avoided him, it just makes this feeling to grow more and I hate it, and the worst is the reality that this love of mine for him will be unrequited and it will never be us. Now I decide to leave the day after tomorrow, I will have to talk to Uncle Andrew tomorrow morning.

I didn’t join them for breakfast I did a hard time convincing Spencer that I would not be able to make it for breakfast. I ‘m afraid spending some more time with Uncle, Mac and the rest of the rangers would make me change my mind and it’ll make stay. Because I really will miss them, and I already am, even I’m still here.

I have to find time to talk to Uncle when the rangers are out in the field. I heard a little knocks but I am too lazy to get up just waiting for the other end to open the door, I waited, but there were only silence after that, the other end has  probably change his mind and walk away whoever it was.

After taking a bath and fixing myself I put on the last thing to complete my look which is my grey cardigan I walk out of the room while practicing on what should I tell Uncle that I am leaving tomorrow and a great excuse why it is so soon because I can’t tell him the main reason that it was because of Mac. When I reached down the hall I saw Uncle Andrew on his black jeans and a light blue shirt anxious face and in a hurry he almost bumped me. When he realize it was me, “Oh Fefe, don’t go anywhere for the time being okay?” and leave. He didn’t even want to hear what I am about to say, I just shrug my shoulders in frustration. They are busy finding the last jewels that will complete the crown, suddenly my cell phone beep, I slide the screen and I receive a text from Cam. ‘I want to c u ryt now, meet me at the café near the port, hope you could come.:)’. I don’t have anything to do yet and I remember I hadn’t taken my breakfast too so I decided to go and get a coffee, then I remember what Uncle Andrew said earlier of  “not to go anywhere” thing but the café is not that far so I think it would be fine. As I stroll down on my way to the café that Cam and I will meet I am enjoying the view and surely this place will be one of the places I am going to miss when I get home. Suddenly something was thrown near my foot that makes me jump a little I look around to examine who did it, when I didn’t see anyone I look at that thing again curiously, I bent down and pick it up look at it a little closer, it’s a grey color, about my fist size, deformed shape and I pressed it, it is soft I must have pressed it hard because it was opened in half and awful yellow slimy thing came out and a funky smell, yuck! I felt dizzy and it makes me weak.


The power ranger is busier these days; we are on our way of the fifth jewels that will going to complete the jewels of the Corona Aurora and it’s getting much more intense with Moltor and Flurious who are brothers banished long ago by the Corona's guardian for having attempted to steal it, to unleash their wrath on earth and they are back as monsters still attempting to steal it as if they are born just for it, the fearcats and I should not look down this two, Miratrix and Kamdor who by the way very silent this past weeks and it’s not good, it only means they are up to something big.

Then suddenly my power ranger tracker turbo morpher beep I answered it. It was Dad Andrew “Mac I need you in the lab right away.” Then off. I hurried down to the lab where dad is.

“Dad! What happened?” My eyes just went to Dad and the rest of the rangers and Spencer, looking worried as the others. “Dad?”, I called out again. “Fefe was abducted again.” Dad Andrew said in a dead flat manner. “Again!? I will kill that hideous Moltor when I have my chance and I will assure him that he will no longer see the sunrise again.” I am closing my fist I want to punch him and broke him into pieces. “It wasn’t Moltor, Mac.” Wait “What?” I was surprised “It was Cam.” Dad answered before I could ask who. Now I am angrier and as well confused as I never had in my entire existence.

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